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Balancing an object on a tiny pole of one centimeter in diameter is not an easy task. You've got to equally balance the object's weight on either side if it's parallel. If it's round, then the weight should be equally balanced on all around it. So, to rekindle our nearly lost love, we have to balance out a few things about it. Simply, we have to be on the same page in all aspects that affect it. But before that, we have to establish two critical things. One is the realness of this love. Two, whether there is a chance for us to rekindle it again.

The first has a positive response. I know and can feel that our love is real. The second has a fifty percent chance to be positive and vice versa. It depends on whatever Mawia will decide. On my side, I really do want to try again. For two and a half weeks, I've been trying to get through to her to no avail. I've been meaning to apologize and request to have another chance with her. I'll prove to her that I am changed and she can love me wholeheartedly without fear. But it is like she has disappeared and doesn't want to be found.

Patience. I'll be patient in my quest to find her. I know I'll find her one way or another. She can't run forever. She can't keep me in the dark forever either. Nevertheless, my fellow dancers and I are at a party. It's being held at one of the recently opened Baobab Hotel which is in the outskirts of the city. The hotel was established last year as a countryside branch of the main Boabab Hotel. Today, they're launching a club.

Everyone in attendance is either drinking, smoking, flirting, slutting, fucking, or puking their guts out around the place. None can be blamed since the ongoing party is a blast. There is good music, free drinks, and free condoms as well. We the young generation love everything about the three when combined together. The remix is great. Well, for everyone else but me. Simply because it is a blunt reminder of how my old self started. Only later to mercilessly cost me the only lady I felt was meant for me. Stupid free drinks and condoms.

I take a sip of my cider and navigate around. Mwas, Flora, Frida, Murray, and Blue are dancing on the dance floor. Blue seems happy and carefree. You can hardly notice the distant pain in her eyes. A result of forgotten love. Now I know how painful it is to lose someone you deeply love and care for so intimately and affectionately. It has made me start playing that somehow, this jerk called Skye will someday show up for closure. Blue needs to know why he suddenly left and forgot about her. Perhaps when the truth is out in the open, she will be able to forgive him and move on.

Murray is trying to haul Flora's ass his way but Flora is hesitant. It seems like she just wants to dance alone. Watching the childish pout on Murray's face makes me smile. Mwas has some interested girl he's whispering things to as they dance. Frida is cheering up Blue as Blue does one of her favorite moves to the current song blasting all around the club. A minute later Mwas and his girl walk towards the booth I'm lodging. Before he gets here, Gabriel arrives with a bottle of Guinness in his hand. He takes a seat beside me while giving me a curious stare.

Recently, they've noticed that I'm not in my usual happy mood. I've been a little depressed to be happy and all smiles. All because of pretty Serah Mawia. Georgina walks up with a glass of wine. Whoever was with her treated her well it seems. She takes a seat beside Gabriel just as Mwas and his girl join us. I take another sip and decide to keep my eyes focused on Blue and Frida. Some males are trying to flirt their way with them. Though it doesn't bother me because the two put together are a difficult task. You can't get your way around them unless you are some magical being they can't resist.

"Asahd, you've been down lately. What the hell is going on?" Mwas asks, sounding really concerned.

"I'm concerned. You are rarely like this since you are a happy child. Even if it is a little thing," Gabriel decides to chime in.

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