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You might not know it, but everybody has their own story. Some might even want to switch where they stand in specific stories because they don't have an interest in where their story takes place, maybe wanting to- trade their plot for a new one. That's not possible though as you are just stuck with what you were born with, but you can still hope.. right? You can still become jealous of others who live the life you wish for.. correct?

George pov

Wednesday, March 9th 2022- My eyes follow the birds that fly from tree to tree. Oh how easy things could be as a bird. Imagine living a life where you could just enjoy the breeze all day long, relax in the refreshing air for hours at a time.

Why did some luck out and others didn't? Why must humans be forced to do all these jobs and chores all day long when other species have zero worries at all? What makes some living creatures more important then others?

I'll never know though, so why must I question these thoughts. It's pointless.

I can feel the wind in my hair, maybe like a bird would with its feathers. However I'm not a bird, I'm a high school student with failing grades preparing myself for a college I'm not even going to pay attention in.

"George!" That's me of course. The kid who's hours late for dinner because he couldn't find a point in arriving on time, or even at all. I hear a sigh escape my own mouth- I've been hearing them a lot more recently.

"Yeah?"  I question while skipping up the steps towards my front door.  My older sister was standing in the door frame, seemingly waiting for my arrival.  However I doubt that scenario as my family was never ones to wait for others.

"Where've you been?"  She asked meanwhile raising an eyebrow and looking at me suspiciously.  I just shrug, not bothered to actually have a conversation with the brunette right now.  I try and maneuver my way around her to head inside, but she stops me with the raise of her hand, preventing me from continuing on.

"Nuh uh, you're not getting away that easy.  If I had to sit at that table for an hour straight you should of too."  She states while grabbing ahold of my arm and looking into my eyes.


"I don't make the rules George.  If you want to be treated as apart of the family then you need to put some effort into earning that treatment."  She states while finally letting me pass through the door.  I roll my eyes once I make it away from the girl and sigh as I realize most of my family is sat in the living room.

"George Davidson."  I hear my mom yell from a few feet over.  I look over at her hesitantly, already expecting the worse to this situation.  She was mad and I could tell, with her furrowed brows and frown present on her face it was obvious.

"You missed dinner, do you know how long it takes to cook that all for you guys?  And then for you not even to show up!"  She exclaims while stepping closer to me, really showing just how upset she was in this situation.  Of course though she wasn't upset that I wasn't home, she was upset that her food had been wasted because of my absence.

As I'm about to apologize and speak up to my mother somebody chooses to interrupt my lecture.

"Mum, give him a break.  It's his last year of high school and he wants to enjoy it."  Somebody calls from beside us.  I immediately recognize the voice as another one of my older sisters. 

"Maggie you're not apart of this."  My mom calls back over to the brunette, we seem to have a lot of those in my family.  Now that I looked over at my sister I noticed more of my family standing a little bit aways from her, are they always stalking my every move?

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