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Dream pov

I watched as the shorter, brunette boy stomped away, anger very present in his steps. I sighed, feeling disappointed in myself.

This George guy literally saw something interesting in me so he came and talked to me, and then I had to go around and mess it all up! I didn't even think twice before asking him that question- I was really curious because he looked familiar and his name matched who I though he was. I didn't know he would take so much offense to my question though.

That was also the first thing that came to mind, I always think about the people who get the gift of a sibling or even more. I've heard many stories and rumors about George's family, always getting jealous once I hear them.

I looked over at where the brunette once sat next to me, he looked so happy as well..  I put my head into my hands and sighed again, I really need to stop messing up every friendship possibility I get.

"AYE DREAMY BOY!"  Somebody annoyingly familiar shouts over in my direction.  I try and ignore the boy by going into my backpack and pulling out my phone, but before I could even get it all the way out it was slapped out of my hand.  I watched as my phone hit the grass and fortunately it looked perfectly fine.

"We're talking to you dum dum."  A different voice from before says into my face.  I locked eyes with him, he had a big smirk on his face.  I recognized all these guys surrounding me, all three of them.  They enjoyed picking on people and I got lucky enough to be one of them.

"S-sorry" I stutter out, already awaiting a punch or kick to the face. The boys all laugh at the way I responded, knowing they have the upper hand by a lot.

"Who was that boy you were just talking with? Is he a secret gay lover of yours?" The third guy asks while laughing into my face. I can feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment, hating every moment of this. Just as I was about to answer and decline their suspicions I felt a fist collide with my cheek.

I grabbed my face out of instinct to maybe ease the pain with pressure, but it didn't work so I continued to wince from the intense pain on my cheek.

"Awe little gay boy is hurt." One guy wheezes out. I could feel tears start to build up in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. The punch that one guy threw was hard, much harder then I've ever experienced- it will so leave a big ugly bruise on my face.

After they finished their laughing fit they all scurried away, probably worried a staff member was going to come out and see the situation. They never stayed for long anyways, which relieves me because I enjoy not going home with crazy pain everyday.

Once they all were gone I took notice of how nobody was really around me anymore, it was most likely almost the end of lunch. I pushed myself off the ground while continuing to hold my face out of fear that if I let go the pain would increase. I grabbed my phone off the grass with my other hand and stuffed it into my bag before tossing it over my shoulder.

I walked to my next class slowly, thinking if I maybe just walked slow enough class would be over before I even attended. That didn't work though and instead I just got a short lecture about arriving 5 minutes late to that class.

I had sat down in my seat after that, looking through all the notes that I needed to pull out. My hand was still on my face causing some nearby students to give me strange looks. I didn't care about them though, it's not like they would ever matter to me anyways.

One person in particular though that I saw staring at me was the brunette from earlier, George I think was him name. I could tell he was glaring at me with hatred of some sort, but I just told myself that he was concerned for me instead.

I ended up falling asleep during that class, not bothered to pay attention or even stay awake for the hour we were present there. When I woke up it was because some random kid threw a piece of paper at me. It said the following words, "wake your ass up before the teacher catches you dumbass." I can't tell if I should be thanking or hating on this person, it doesn't matter though because I don't even know who they are.

The classes following that one were basically all the same besides the sleeping part. I didn't pay attention though to anything, there's not really a point in doing that.

Once school ended I slowly started walking again, I didn't feel like going home to another empty house. When I was finally out of vision from the school I let my hand fall from my cheek, I winced and stopped in my tracks once I did that, but after a few moments of trying to calm down it finally felt a little better then before.

I continued walking after that, but I didn't go to my house.  I instead walked to the park I spend a lot of my time at.  Maybe it's just torturing myself, but I like sitting there and listening to all the kids have fun with each other.  It makes me happy for them a little, but still makes me jealous of them in a way.

I sat down at my usual bench, it was right in front of the swing sets which gave me a clean view of the entire playground.  I watched as two little girls probably around the ages of 9 or 10 swung back and forth.  I could also hear them quite well, probably because they were quite loud though.

"I'm sorry about the other day Veda."  One girl with slightly lighter brown hair says to the other girl that was a bit smaller then her.  Veda supposedly, smiles at the other girl while stopping her swing and standing up.  She opens her arms widely meanwhile the other girl was trying to slow her swing down.

Once she finally did she jumped right into vedas arms happily.  I smiled at the sight, feeling happy that the girls made up from a fight I didn't know of.  The two little girls pulled away after a minute and smiled at each other before Veda spoke up.

"It's okay Tyra, I got to spend time with George cause of it."  She exclaims with a big golly smile on her face.  I freeze at the new information, these are George's sisters aren't they?

I mean it's obvious now that I look at it. The two girls, especially the smaller one, shared a lot of George's features. Even though I hadn't seen him a lot I could tell they looked alike.

"Where even is George going everyday, he's like never home."  Tyra muttered sounding disappointed.  I furrowed my brows at this, why wouldn't george be going home everyday- I would love to go home to hang with my siblings everyday if I had them.

"I don't think he likes us.." Veda whispers to Tyra quite loudly while putting her hands up to act like she was telling her a secret.  Tyra frowns along with Veda which honestly upsets me a little too, these girls look so sweet so why wouldn't george like them?  Maybe it relates to why george was so offended when I asked about his siblings, maybe he has a bad relationship with them all.

1308 words

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