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Dream pov

I watched as George tried to stop tears from coming to his eyes as he watched his sisters walk the aisle.  I was in the front row, right in front of George, who was standing up at the alter next to Michael and Sam.

Veda and Tyra were currently throwing pedals down the aisle with cute little dresses on.  George stared at them with such awe, it almost made me cry as well.  Up next to Charlotte were her friends and Evie, who I'm surprisingly starting to get along with now.

Veda and Tyra eventually met the end of the aisle and stepped up onto the alter next to their brothers.  The music then changed which led for everyone in the room to stand and stare as the bride made her way across the aisle.

As Maggie elegantly walked I snuck a few glances over at my boyfriend, who had full on tears running down his face now.  He would wipe them every once and awhile, but eventually just let them fall freely.

As Maggie reached near the end of the aisle, her dad stood up and took her the final distance.  She thanked her dad before stepping fully onto the alter where her future wife stood.  Her and George were basically next to each too, and from this angle I could see how similar they were as well.

The wedding went on and eventually we reached the moment they were announced wed.  Everyone cheered as they kissed before jumping up and laughing.  George gave her a hug right when they finished their moment as tears continued running down his face.  He told her something once they parted their embrace before Maggie and Charlotte ran back down the aisle.

I didn't miss how Mrs. Davidson was at the end with a small smile.  She hugged her daughter unexpectedly once they reached her.  Maggie looked surprised but hugged back nonetheless.

When Maggie and Charlotte were officially gone, I ran up to George and gave him a big kiss and hug.  He laughed as I picked him up and spun him around.  I could feel people watching us, but I didn't care.  They willingly all came to a lesbian wedding, they can handle two gays celebrating afterwards.


After the official wedding, we were all invited to an after party.  Me and George showed up together, and made sure to show off our matching suits.  All of George's family was there too, and I could see as they all huddled around Maggie and congratulated her.

Me and George were next, and immediately gave her a big hug once we reached her.

"Congratulations Maggie, thank you so much for inviting me."  I told her once we separated.  She smiled at me before replying.

"Of course you would be invited, I even invited for you to live with us.  What kind of manners would I have if I didn't invite my future roommate to my wedding?"  My face blushed as she said that, I hadn't even accepted her offer yet and she was already calling me her future roommate.

I zoned out a little as George congratulated her too.  They had a brief little conversation before I was brought back into it by George placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Dream?" He muttered as I suddenly turned back towards him.  I smiled at him and apologized before staring over at Maggie and doing the same.

"It's alright, I just thought that it would be a good time to tell Maggie the news." I widened my eyes at that, not remembering what news we had to say before it suddenly came back to me.

"Oh yeah!" I replied as I took George's hand into my own before turning to face Maggie.

"I'll come live with you guys."


I groaned as I picked up another heavy box.  I struggled to carry it all the way into the elevator where George stood with a much lighter box.

"What the fucks even in this thing?" I questioned as I put it down to read the label.  All it said was 'stuff', wow that really helps.

"Oh yeah, that one has my desk parts in it."  George calmly replied while I stared at him in shock.

"Dude! Why didn't we just get the moving company to take this one?" George stared at me deadpanned for a few seconds before rolling his eyes.

"Did you seriously just 'dude' your boyfriend? And that costs so much extra money when you can just carry it.  You got it out of my house and to the elevator, you can carry it to our bedroom."  I rolled my eyes back at him before watching as the elevator doors opened.  I groaned again before reaching down to pick up the box again.  It felt heavier now that I knew what was it in.

"Finally, home sweet home." George called as he placed his light box onto the floor in our bedroom.  He then ran over to the bed and bellyflopped right into it.  I wasn't that far behind him, and quickly jumped right on top of him.  He screeched as I landed on him before pushing me off and onto the floor.

"George!" I playfully yelled as I stood up again and situated myself back onto our bed.  He smiled at me before wrapping his arms around my neck to pull me into a kiss.  We both grinned at each other once we parted.

"This is our room George, our bed, our room." I muttered before kissing him again.  We both smiled into the kiss which led for it not to last long as we couldn't stop laughing.

"I know Dream, it's cracked." George mumbled back while laughing.  I rolled my eyes playfully at him before pushing him onto his back so I was laying over him fully.  I admired his face from this angle, nothing could be prettier than he is.

We were both now fully moved into Maggie and Charlotte's place.  It wasn't perfect, but it would make due until we found a place of our own.  We were planning to make all of our money from streaming and making videos, thanks to Karl and Quackity.

I had a good following, and had a decent amount of donations and subscribers when streaming on twitch.  George was following in my footsteps as well, the fans adore him as much as I do.

I posted pictures of us holding hands and stuff on Twitter often, fans went crazy over it.  Maybe we will do face reveals someday, you never know.

Also, how could I forget, Sapnap also is indulging himself in the streaming community. I've done a stream with him on vc before actually, where we played Minecraft and talking about him potentially starting a career in content creation. Since then, he's made an account for every social media you could think of and has gained a decent following as well.

"Dream." George mumbled again, interrupting my intense stare at his face.

"George." I mumbled back with a smile. He giggled before putting his hands onto my face. He pulled my face down so it was just about an inch away from his.

"I love you." I couldn't take it anymore, I finally connected our lips again.

"I love you too." I replied once pulling away again. He smiled at me with that amazing, adorable, handsome smile again. I really could just stare at him all the time.

I'm so in love with him.


okay so I know this ending was kinda abrupt, but I really just wanted to finish this book already 😅

I hope that everyone who stayed around this long enjoyed the book as this did take like a year and a half to finish.  I'm so sorry for being so slow with uploads recently, I really will try to get back into writing full time again but I just get bored soooo easily.

I love writing though, so I promise I'm not quitting this forever.  Hopefully I'll have a new book out soon and if not, maybe in a few months.

Since the beginning of Acknowledge to now I've changed A LOT so sorry if my writing style ever changed during this book.  I got too lazy to look back at old chapters to see if I was missing anything or not as well.

Okay well BYE :)))

1400 words

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