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Dream pov

I frowned as I watched Sapnap and George interact, they seemed to be getting along great- much better then me and George are currently.  I know we're literally hanging out together at my house, but we've literally just kept arguing over the most stupid things, it's getting annoying.

I guess time was going by faster then I thought because all of the sudden I heard a familiar noise, one nobody else would probably be able to acknowledge as it was quite faint.

Just like I expected, the front door squeaked right after a few keys jingled somewhere from outside. I froze up and stared over at my closed bedroom door worriedly- my mom wasn't supposed to know that George is here.

"Dream!" Oh fuck no.  I noticed George's head perked up at my mothers voice, I could only hope Sapnap didn't hear it though.  I had quickly stumbled my way to the door as fast as possible only for it to just smack right into my face before I even got to take ahold of it.

"Shit" I muttered, holding my nose right away and crouching down to the floor in pain. I can hear footsteps enter the room, but don't feel the need to look up and see the person who just slammed a door straight into my nose- obviously already knowing who.

"Oh!" A familiar female voice speaks followed by the sound of my bedroom door squeaking once more, most likely still getting pushed by my mother.

"Dream?" She speaks once more, definitely realizing I was crouching on the floor holding my nose by now.  I feel a hand on my back, rubbing it softly.

"Stand up hun." The women whispers to me as I slowly rise from my spot on the floor, keeping my eyes shut tightly because of the pain. She sure is acting like she actually cares for me now just because of the brunette in my room, wow.

"Are you alright?" She questions while trying to move the hands I had covering my face away. I shook my head immediately, hoping she understood how much pain I was dealing with currently.

Of course I've been fine with many punches to the face and nose, but this is hurting a lot more then that- probably even worse then that punch I received the other day at school.

"uh, I can get ice..?" George softly, but panicky speaks up. I assume my mother must of nodded or something because the door squeaked again followed by footsteps going down the hallway, probably to the kitchen to find some ice for my nose.

"Who the hell is that boy?" My mom, now speaking rather aggressively, whisper shouts at me. I don't respond however, the pain now feeling worse then before. Also, The hands I've kept on my nose are now causing even more pain to the injury, so I'm forced to remove them.

"Answer me will you!"

"My- my friend." I stutter out only leading for my mother to sigh obnoxiously.

"You don't have friends dream, tell him to leave or I'll make him." She harshly replies while stepping back from me. I let my eyes open a little just to see the women before me with her arms at her sides and her brows furrowed angrily.

"He is- he is mom." I sob back, now realizing I'm crying- wow I'm so pathetic, even after months and months of physical abuse from bullies I can't handle a simple door to the face.

"He won't be when he realizes how much of a loner you are, how much of a stupid boy you are that only finds happiness on his stupid computer when half the time you come crying back to me when some random stranger talks to you!"

Almost right after her brief yelling I spot the shorter brunette rush into the room with an ice pack in his hand. He quickly runs over to me and softly places the ice on my nose, causing me to wince and pull back a little.

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