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Dream pov (it's been so long I'm sorry, here is a VERY short chapter so it doesn't look like I've died)

After George left, I decided to hop onto my pc to by some time. I was undoubtedly still very anxious about appearing online, but I knew that if I someday wanted to achieve as a content creator- I would need to start producing some content.

I already had a TikTok and twitter account where I would post about streaming and YouTube, trying to grab attention to viewers. I think it worked a bit because some people told me they were guaranteed viewers, but I haven't really seen much of them since then.

The last time I even posted on anything was 2 months ago, so I hope nobody forgot about me. I would of loved to be more active, but my stress levels have been bad recently- thats not even including the broken nose I had for like 3 weeks straight.

The sound of my pc booting up alerted me that I could begin to prepare my livestream.  I hopped onto settings and made sure all my controls were correct before switching tabs over to twitch.  My finger hesitated over the go live button for a few moments.

Do I really want to do this?

What would I do if I suddenly started to panic while live, should I just end or should I push through my thoughts and pretend like I'm fine?

I only planned on playing some Hypixel, probably a few rounds of bedwars and maybe a couple games of build battle.  There's nothing to worry about then right?  Everything will be perfectly fine, I'll most likely only have a viewer or two anyways.

I clicked down on my mouse and watched the loading screen for my stream, a few seconds passed before I was officially live on the internet for the very first time.  I took a deep breath in and out as I began clicking onto Minecraft, meanwhile also sharing my screen onto twitch.

Many, many minutes passed of me just silently playing bedwars.  I checked my viewer count every once and awhile, but it just remained on zero.. what a bummer.  I should probably end soon- this is getting nowhere.

I was currently on a team with two other people, guys I assume by there skins.  They weren't too good and were definitely relying on me to win the game for us, which I did with no problem- what can I say, I'm a pro!


Chat was moving quickly, like always.  They were spamming things such as 'L', because we just lost- which was no surprise, and 'LMAO', because of a funny joke I just said.

I didn't bother to actually try hard during our bedwars games, it was really just enjoyment for me, my friend, and chat.

"Karl! Look at this guy go." Quackity yelled through the call.  I turned my character around to face where I assumed Quackity was, but instead just saw our third team member.  They had a bright lime green skin with the name 'Dream'.

'Dream' was doing a 1v3 with another team- they seemed to be winning surprisingly.  Soon after the fight began, Dream had hit all of the blue team off of the map, into the void.

"How the-" I started before cutting myself off, Dream began speed bridging over the void- quite fast if I do say so myself.  I glanced at chat and saw them all freaking out over our team member being so cracked.

"We should ask them to join our teamspeak." I suggested after glancing away from chat and back over to the game.  Dream was nowhere to be seen now, but they were most likely collecting some materials.

"Nah." Quackity replied, having no interest in our third teammate anymore. Even though I disagreed, I still reluctantly shrugged and continued playing. However, that was short lived after I glanced over at chat once more.

There were many copy and pastes of different twitch links in chat, which caused for me to furrow my brows and hesitantly click onto one of them.

It immediately brought me to somebody's stream, their name was 'Dreamwastaken.' Quickly, I put the pieces together that this was in fact our third teammate. Currently, he had a viewer count of 1,000, he didn't seem to notice yet though as he was just softly humming to himself while fighting another team.


I was mid fight when I suddenly got a notification on my phone.  I obviously brushed it off and continued to fight the opposing team, but when I suddenly received more and more notifications, I got distracted.

After glancing at my phone for only a split second, I could tell something was up.  I had Twitter notif after Twitter notif filled up all over my lock screen.

Rushing now, I quickly hit the remaining player off the side of the map and ran back to my base- where my other two teammates awaited me.

They were standing still next to our bed, probably distracted with something not in our game. Taking this opportunity as a break, I hesitantly picked up my phone, opened it up, and clicked onto Twitter. What I saw, very much surprised me.

My notifications on Twitter were going crazy, and when I clicked on it, I was even more shocked.

Mal @karolschicken

Katy @quickitysbfff
@Dreamwastaken DUDE HWO IS HE SO GOOD

Cammy @gourcam
I Like how we're all just raiding this poor guys stream AND socials @Dreamwastaken

At that, I quickly looked over at my viewer count.

Oh shit.

4,000 viewers!?

952 words

I feel so bad for not updating but hopefully since summer is coming up I will have more free time to write. Also if you ever see a random book posted on my account it's just because sometimes I get bored and like to write just random things xD

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