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Dream pov

"My sister likes girls." I stared over at George in shock for a moment, as what he just said was totally random. Then however, I processed what he said and grinned happily at him.

"Really? Which one?" I questioned with a smile.

"Maggie.  I met her fiancée yesterday."  George was glancing around my bedroom at random things while speaking.

"That's- that's cool." I responded while reaching my hand out to George's arm to get him to look at me again. I only smiled harder when his brown eyes met mine. He hummed back at me before breathing deeply with his eyes closed, it looked like he was preparing to say something.

"They- um, offered me- us. Something." He finally got out after a few seconds of comfortable silence. I furrowed my eyebrows a little but urged him to continue with a slight nod.

"I'm only actually considering it because I know you don't have the nicest time here at home." I nodded again slowly, wondering where in the world this could be going.

"Maggie and her fiancée, Charlotte, offered us to move in with them."  I was shocked, rightfully so.  George wouldn't look at me in the eyes, he was nervous.  I took his hands into mine to calm him a bit.

"I did not expect that." I muttered.  George laughed a little before finally looking at my eyes again.

"You don't need to accept or deny now, unless you want to of course, I just don't want to rush you, but I actually think I'm going to accept, but I'm kinda nervous with living with them-"

"George, baby, calm down. This is good." I interrupted George's little rant with a soft kiss onto his hand. He looked at me a bit ashamed before breathing deeply.

"Sorry, I'm just scared you'll think I'm trying to move us too fast." He spoke while giving me a little smile. I reassured him with a peck to the lips.

"Don't be, trust me. This might actually be a good change we both need. Obviously your home life isn't going too well at the moment, and honestly, I'm not having much fun here either."

"So, you're saying you're considering it, like actually?" I nodded back before reaching my hand up to his face. I gave him another short kiss before we both started giggling.


"It's not right how you're treating him. He didn't choose for you guys to know, he was outed. And he's probably feeling the worst that he's ever felt because his whole family hates him for some news that was spread around with him knowing. It's a terrible thing that was done to him, and you all are making it worse."

I stared around at all of George's siblings who were watching sadly as their sister yelled. His parents were looking from Maggie to George, to me, and then to each other. I wonder what was going through their minds as they got absolutely roasted.

"Considering the fact that George is all alone with no support from his family whatsoever, I'm going to share some news with you all. I want you all to treat me the exact same as him once hearing this, don't make any excuses because they won't be heard."

I knew already what she was about to say, George explained it all to me earlier. He mainly told me just how pissed off Maggie was at their family, and that she was ready to give George some much needed support.

I looked over towards George's younger sisters while Maggie spoke. They were almost scared looking. I kinda felt bad, I doubt they really understand what is going on right now. Maybe they do though, you never know.

"I have a fiancée, and I'm getting married soon."  Just that first line led to many gasps coming from George's family.  His mom looked the most shocked, her hand was over her mouth and her eyes were wide.

"She's a girl, and her names Charlotte.  I'm a lesbian, and only like girls.  George is going to be my best man.  I would like for Veda and Tyra to be our flower girls, but nobody is going to be invited if you show any hate towards George, Dream, or Charlotte.  I won't mind having just her family come if you guys all want to be hateful towards any of us."

Staring over at George's siblings once again, I took notice of how surprised they all were.  Evie was staring at the ground with her mouth slightly open.  Sam and Michael were sharing glances with each other.  Tyra was staring at her mom with worry.  And Veda was smiling, probably at the thought of being a flower girl at her big sisters wedding.

"I just, don't like him."  I heard George's mother mutter slightly in the direction of me.  Everyone heard her, whether that was intentional or not.  She received some glares, which surprised me because they weren't from Maggie or George.

"But mum, Dream is a great guy." I heard Tyra complain as she sat up a little straighter to look at her mom better.

"He- he helped me one time in the pool.  I was scared and he picked me up and brought me through the water to where I was comfortable.  I was embarrassed, but he promised me that he wouldn't tell anyone."

I almost felt my eyes water as I listened to Tyra compliment me.  I couldn't believe that Tyra actually still thought about that moment.  Maybe I'm actually making a good impact around here.

"Sure hunny, he's probably nice, but he does stuff that I do not approve of.  That is why I don't want him around. He's not good for George."  I looked over at George after that.  He was already staring at me with a sad expression, then he mouthed the word 'sorry'.

"Mum, it wasn't ever.. confirmed that that happened.  Honestly, me and Michael aren't uncomfortable anymore.  Dream is a good guy, I think he will do George well.. and maybe this family too." Their mom was surprised that Sam spoke up. She looked over to him quickly and swiftly replied.

"What changed?" She asked while sending me a short glance. She knew as well as everyone else in this room that I was listening in on this conversation intensely, and taking a lot of it to heart.

"I just, thought about it more. One time when Maggie wasn't around to help decorate, Dream stepped up and helped us all. He was so nice the whole time and made sure that everything was right." I smiled as I listened to him speak. After he was done he stared over at his younger brother who also looked like he was preparing to talk.

"Dream walks with us in the halls everyday. Honestly, and don't judge me for this, the senior side of the school is sorta scary.  Y'know, I'm a lot younger then most of the kids at our school.  I guess you could say I'm an easy target.  When Dream walks with us though, I feel protected.  I like him being here." 

Okay, tears were definitely in my eyes now.

Michael and Sam must have noticed because they both got up and gave me a hug while I smiled and cried at the same time.  After a few seconds of sitting with them, I felt more arms wrap around me.  Tyra and Veda.

This was everything that I've ever wanted.  It's been my life long dream to have siblings to take care of, or for them to take care of me.  They technically are taking care of me right now.  Not only with them standing up for me, but just hugging me right now.  It means so much to me.

Words 1298

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