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George pov

I watched as Dream checked his phone for the 10th time.  I rolled my eyes while snatching the phone right out of his hands.

"Hey!" He yelled out while trying to retrieve his phone back.  I just shook my head while shoving the phone into my pocket.  I felt the vibrations from all his notifications.

"We're almost at my house, you can hold off on checking twitter for a few more minutes."  Me and Dream were walking to my house right now.

After he ended stream I walked to his house, just for us to walk right back to mine.  I wanted to be nice and sort of 'pick him up'.  I did kind of just beg his to come over when he probably didn't want to so this is me paying him back.

"But what if they all start hating me now?" He questioned while looking to the ground and pouting.  Dream has been worrying this whole walk about his little coming out he did on stream not too long ago.  I assured him nobody would judge him, but he won't stop checking his phone to make sure he wasn't cancelled yet.

"They won't.  Trust me- and if they hate on you for shouting me out then I'll just take the blame."  Dream sighed while nodding before grabbing my hand.  I squeezed his hand in reassurance.

"You'll be fine.  Besides, we're going to meet Sapnap soon!" I squealed out while beginning to jump up and down a little.  Dream had a small smile creep up his face before giggling a bit with me.

Make Dream happy- accomplished.

"Finally!  I was NOT about to greet your little Texas friend all by myself!" Evie complained while letting me and Dream into the house.  I thanked her quietly, not that I really wanted to, before taking my shoes off at the front door.

"Oh come on Ev, I had the times all planned out.  He wouldn't have arrived while you were just he-"

"Geoooorge!" I heard a voice call out from the living room.  Loud footsteps immediately came running in the room after that.  I glanced over at Micheal in confusion.


"Your friend is here!" My eyes widened while I quickly turned around back to the front door.  I apologized while pushing past Dream and pulled the front door back open as quick as possible.  My eyes landed on a raven haired boy with a baseball cap getting out of a car right away.

"Sapnap!" I yelled out, immediately seeing the boy turn around with his eyes wide.

"George!" He called back while slamming the car door shut and swinging a bag over his shoulder before running straight for me.  I ran towards him as well before we collided on the bottom of the stairs to my front porch.

I pulled him into a big hug while putting my head on his shoulder.  I watched as the car he arrived in drove off with a little wave and a honk.

I pulled back from me and Sapnap's hug with a huge smile on my face.  I looked down at the boy while smirking.

"I'm taller, loser." Sapnap frowned while playfully punching me in the shoulder.  He rolled his eyes as well before looking behind me to the front door where Evie, Dream, and Micheal watched us.

"Didn't you lot meet like a month ago?" Micheal asked while putting his hand up and walking away.  I sighed and turned back to Sapnap, my smile immediately finding its way to my face once again.

I helped Sapnap get his bags into my house before we relaxed onto the couch with Dream.  Evie had made her way upstairs after studying Sapnap for a solid minute.

"Damn Dude, you're a lot taller then I thought you'd be." Sapnap muttered to Dream while looking him up and down.  We were on the couch, but Dream's legs were hanging off showing off just how tall he was.

"Well yeah, I am 6'2.  You're like what, 5 foot?" 

That comment resulted in Dream being tackled while I bursted out in laughter.

"Bro! You look so stupid in this picture." Sapnap commented while looking off at a random wall. I glanced over at where he was looking at and my eyes fell on the long line of pictures of me and my siblings.

"He looks cute." I heard Dream mumble off to my left. My head, and Sapnap's, shot over to stare at Dream.

"Ew, don't compliment him." Sapnap groaned out with a disgusted look on his face. He was obviously just joking though- surely.

"I do look stupid in it though. I was like 16." I laughed out after recovering from the bright blush that made its way to my face, luckily it was just me, Dream, and Sap in the living room.

The three of us continued with small talk about random things like all the plants my mum has around the house or how old my dad looks in this certain picture on a side table. That at least was until Sapnap stood up with a stretch.

"I'm giving myself a tour." He sighed out while beginning to walk in the direction of the stairs. My eyes widened and I quickly shot up, grabbing onto his wrist.

"You wanna hold hands?" He asked with a smirk causing me to quickly let go of him with a scowl.

"Oh oh, sorry. Not with the boyfriend around- got it." Sapnap exclaimed with a wink. I punched him lightly on the shoulder causing him to laugh a little.

"Shut up. There's nothing up there anyways." Sapnap rolled his eyes.

"Obviously there is stuff up there. You basically live in a mansion. Like dude, your house is quadruple the size of mine." I frowned. Yeah yeah, I know my family is basically rich, but with a family of 9- you don't get a very big portion of that cash.

"There's eight bedrooms and a bathroom up there, that is literally all."

"Gosh man, everyone has their own room?" He asked with raised brows. I nodded back to him with a roll of my eyes before turning around to face Dream.

"Come on Dream, you know there's nothing fun up there right?" Dream's mouth opened a little in shock after suddenly being involved.

"Uh well. How about we go outside?" The blonde offered with a shrug and a hopeful smile. I smiled back. Yes! I can refrain from any embarrassing moments with my siblings upstairs for a little longer!

"Yes! Perfect idea Dream! Let's go outside Sap." I exclaimed with my hands raised in excitement. I haven't been in the back yard, since it seems, so long ago.

It didn't take long for the three of us to find our ways outside.  Sapnap was in the front, really wanting to know just something about my house other then the mass amount of pictures present in our living room.

I don't really remember what is in the backyard, I think some trees and maybe a pool-

"You have a POOL?" Sapnap yelled out while running even farther ahead from me and Dream.  I watched him run right over to where a big pool was displayed in the ground, the bright blue water was surprisingly clean.

"A pool?" Dream questioned while staring down at me.  I looked up at him with a small nod and a shrug before I was abruptly pulled forward.  I hadn't even noticed we were holding hands until dream began sprinting to Sapnap with a bright smile, me following behind reluctantly.

"George didn't tell me he had a pool! I love swimming! How dare you." Dream chuckled out loudly while staring at Sapnap.  The two of them then glanced at me with an accusing face.

"I didn't even remember we had one." I mumbled hesitantly, feeling embarrassed with the two staring at me so intensely.

"We're going swimming." Sapnap claimed while glaring at me, hopefully playfully.  I frowned and stared at the ground, how could I forget I had a pool?

"Love it's alright, we're not actually upset with you." Dream exclaimed while patting my shoulder.  My face flushed a dark red at the name he referred to me as.

"Ew, I'm still mad."  Sapnap muttered, but I could hear the slight smile in his voice.

"Did you pack swim trunks?"  Dream asked Sapnap causing me to glance up at the two men.  Sapnap shook his head with a shrug before replying.

"Why can't I just go without?"

"Gross! Fuck off."

1426 words

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