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George pov

As I was sat on the couch watching my second movie of the night I heard a sudden noise from the front door, only leaving me to believe one of my siblings are home.

Like expected, I heard loud laughing and giggles erupt from the front of my house.  I rolled my eyes before standing from my spot on the couch, hoping to quickly decipher who those giggles belonged to.

As I reached closer and closer to the door the laughing only increased in proximity, they sure want to wake up mum and dad don't they?

The first person I saw was Evie, obviously drunkly stumbling her way around the room.  Her hand was placed on the wall with the other one on her hip, she was the one loudly laughing.

The second person I spotted was Maggie, she was the one holding the alcoholic bottle.  She was also the one shutting the door, fumbling with the lock, but ending up failing.

"What the fuck guys?" I angrily whisper over to the two drunken girls, one being underaged.  Evie was the first to glance over at me, her eyebrows were furrowed, but she quickly smiled right after staring at me for a moment.

"Come on George, take a drink!" Evie, still being as loud as possible, yells over at me.  Maggie is next to look at me, she seems a bit more sober then the other, but undoubtably still not in the right mind set.

"What? No!" I reply back quickly, still utterly shocked to find the two girls in this situation.  Evie frowns while stumbling her way to me, almost falling onto the floor in the process.  She wraps her arm around my back and pulls me into a side hug.

"Oh why not george, too much of a little baby?" She sarcastically whines out.  I push the girl off of me and watch as she almost falls over once again, fortunately though catches herself by a nearby table.

"Evie, you're fucking underaged.  Mum is gonna be pissed if she hears you!" I, still whispering, reply back to the brunette. As I'm about to continue I get interrupted by the third brunette in the room.

"She not going to find out george, besides, shouldn't you be sleeping? Why are you out here by yourself?" Maggie questions while finally locking the door and turning over to me.

"I was watching a movie-"

"By yourself?" Evie interrupts with another loud laugh. I roll my eyes, annoyed with the two of their antics and turn around, preparing myself to ignore this ever happened and continue my movie.

However, as I began walking away my phone suddenly starts ringing, making me flinch as it was in my pocket this entire time. I freeze before pulling it out to check the contact name.


Quickly I accept the call, worried something might of happened to the blonde.

"Dream?" I blurt out right away.  Somebody speaks after me, but it unfortunately wasn't who I hoped it was.

"Dreams on the phone?" Evie yells over to me.  I huff before walking further to the living room, hoping to get out of ear shot from my siblings.

"Are you alright?" I ask, realizing the blonde hasn't even spoken yet since I've picked up the phone.  Silence absorbs the call, making me anxious.  I began picking at my fingernails, hoping it makes time speed up somehow.

"George, it hurts really bad." Someone I've grown quite familiar with speaks up with pain clearly present in his voice.  My eyes widen and I quickly start asking questions.

"Didn't your mum take you to the doctors?" Ignoring my question completely, dream continues on.

"I'm sorry I called you, you're probably talking with Sapnap-"

"Dream shut the hell up, do I need to come over?"  I interrupt, getting straight to the point- I hope he isn't in too much pain.  I don't even know how I would get to his house, walk I guess.

"Uh, well-"

"I'm coming right now, give me 10 minutes max!"  I blurt out, already running over to the pile of shoes at out front door, sliding on my tennis shoes.

"George no-"

"Do I need to bring ice or anything?" I interrupt for the third time straight.  I notice my sisters staring at me curiously, obviously having a question on the tip of each of their tongues.

"I guess, but wait-"

"I'll be there soon."  I mumble out while unlocking the previously locked door and making my way out of it, obviously after retrieving ice from the fridge.

"I'm not home george!" Dream shouts out, finally getting his point across.  I freeze for a moment before asking where he could be at.

"I'm at the park- please be quick, it hurts." I notice the slight shake in his voice as he whispers that statement. I frown and quickly start jogging down the sidewalk, hoping I know which park the blonde is resided at.

After a short run to the nearby park I spot Dream. We had hung up the call a little bit after I left- dream persisted that so I could supposedly run faster.

The blonde was sat in a ball shaped form on a small bench, his right hand was placed over his nose as well. I quickly sprinted over to him with the little energy I had left from the run here. He must of heard my footsteps and heavy breathing because his green eyes locked on mine- or at least that's what I believed they were.

I noticed the blood on the blondes hands, most likely from his nose- where was the towel at? Once I officially reached the taller boy I brought my hand to his face, softly allowing myself access to his injury.

Dream winced at the movement, but never the less still allowed me to inspect his feature. I shook my head sadly before passing over the ice to the blonde.

"Put this on it." I mumble, realizing Dream never was taken to the emergency room in the first place. This injury is serious, he needs to get it checked out before it worsens.

He takes the ice that was a little melted by now and puts it hesitantly on his nose, wincing again from the contact.  After that, I sat down next to Dream, softly placing my hand on his that wasn't held to his face.  He smiled a little at me at that, but I could tell he was obviously still in pain.

I abruptly stood up and pulled the blonde with me, surprising him. I began walking with my hand interlocked with Dreams, allowing me to pull him with me.

"Where are we going?" He asks after we've taken a good 30 steps in a direction Dream probably isn't very familiar with.

"My house, we need to get you to a doctors office." Dream suddenly stopped moving causing me to look back at him. His brows were furrowed and he had a frown present on his lips.

"But it's late George." He tries. I just shake my head however and continue to pull him with me, he allows me to.

"And you're in pain, also your nose is still bleeding a little, it's best to get it checked quickly." I say back, hoping that was all I needed to say to convince the taller. It seemed to work because Dream didn't speak up the rest of the walk to my house, only walking quietly next to me with heavy breathing.

When we reached my house I immediately led him inside. After leaving him in the living room I quickly ran up the stairs and knocked on my parents bedroom door quite loudly as I know my parents are heavy sleepers.

A minute later the door squeaked open, revealing my mother standing furiously behind it.

"What's the meaning of this George?" She asks, putting anger into the way she says my name. I try and ignore her hatred and get straight to the point about Dream.

"My friend is downstairs, I think his nose is broken. Can you please take him to get it checked out?" I question while silently picking at my fingers. My mum huffs before beginning to close the door again. I quickly, out of instinct, reach forward and catch the door before it shuts.

"Please mum, he's in pain and his own parents won't take him." That seems to catch her attention because she fully opens the door and steps out, shutting it on her way out. She silently begins walking down the stairs, leaving me stood shocked by her door- so it was that simple?

1446 words

I have no idea how broken noses work- I've tried googling so much

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