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George pov

I stared at the ground beneath my feet as I bit my fingernails nervously. They wouldn't of told my parents or any of my siblings, right?

Dream had offered to walk home with me today, but I said no incase my family did somehow know. I wouldn't want to have this conversation with them while my literal boyfriend was there.

I suddenly noticed I was at my driveway once I saw the ground change from sidewalk to- well driveway pavement.  I breathed out a sigh before reluctantly walking up to my house.  I stared at the door for a second before unlocking it with my key and stepping inside.

Immediately, I took notice of the quietness to the house.  It's never this quiet, normally you would at least here my brothers screaming upstairs or my younger sisters rambling somewhere to my parents.  And, you can't go a day in this place without hearing Evie complain about some random thing.

"Mum?" I called out once closing the door.  I was sorta scared, to be honest.  It feels like I just walked into an abandoned, haunted building.

"In here!" I heard her yell back which calmed my nerves.  I let out a sigh of relief before somewhat happily walking into the living room where I saw my mum sitting, staring at me.  Oh no, this can't be good.  I either left a plate on the counter, or she knows.

"Sit." She directed while softly patting the spot in front of her on the opposite couch from where she was sitting.  I nodded firmly while quickly walking to the couch and sitting.  I sat properly, nice and tall, prepared for whatever lecture I was about to receive.

"Your brothers told me you were making them uncomfortable.  I would like to know your side of the story before I make too many accusations.  You're older, so I expect you to be mature and answer honestly."  She spoke, maintaining eye contact with me the entire time.  I nodded back, silently urging her to explain what I did.

"Apparently, you've been doing.. inappropriate activities in this household.  You know I do not approve of such."  I stared back at her confused with my eyebrows furrowed.  I haven't done anything inappropriate here.  Sure, I've kissed Dream some here and there, but my sister does that all the time too.

"What? I haven't done anything mum." I responded, slouching my shoulders while staring at the women.  I clearly failed my goal of sitting nice and tall during this conversation.

"George.  You lying will only cause more trouble for you.  You've been having sex with a boy in this house.  Do you understand how horrible that is? How disturbing and disgusting you doing that is, especially with children here!"  My eyes widened at her accusations, wasn't she supposed to hear my side of the story before doing this?

"No! Mum I haven't done that!  Trust me, I haven't had any sex here.  I would never, I know the rules."  Unlike someone.  My mum stared disappointedly at me while shaking her head slowly.  I noticed slight tears in her eyes as she did so.

"So it's not true you've been seeing Dream- In a not so friendly way?"  My eyes widened at that, so she does know.  Great.  Now what is gonna happen, she's probably going to ban me from ever speaking to a boy again.  Maybe I will get enrolled in a different school, maybe a religious one where I'll be taught how bad being gay is.

"Um." I mumbled back, not knowing how to react to her statement.  I mean, it is true that I've been seeing Dream.  Should I lie about that?

"So it is.  Oh my god George, get to your room!"  I jumped as my mum hit the side table next to her while standing up aggressively.  I stood up quickly as well and then sprinted towards and up the stairs, immediately making my way to my bedroom and then closing the door after.

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