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George pov

After Dream stopped staying at my house I realized how lonely I was again. I didn't speak with anyone really and to top it all off, my siblings were constantly annoying me about every single thing.

I decided to rely on Sapnap seeing as he knew a way to help me out. We talked a lot about a various of different things. I ended up learning that talking relieves my stress, it feels nice to just spill all worries I've been internally dealing with out.

When we talked we spoke about my family, mainly my siblings, but there were times where we spoke about my parents. My siblings were really getting on my nerves recently, we have had argument after argument for weeks now- it's getting tiring.

My parents also haven't been very pleasant to deal with recently as well, they seem to always side with my brothers and sisters during our disagreements, it's like they just don't love me.

Besides from family, we've also spoken about Dream together. He doesn't know much about him and I honestly didn't want to spill much for safety reasons, but I did explain some basic things like how I was feeling around the blonde.

Nervous was how I described it, I'm nervous around Dream. I'm not necessarily afraid of him, but I'm more afraid of the thought of being with him. When I think of Dream my stomach swarms and I feel sick to my stomach- not in the bad way though. I'm scared of my newfound discovery and worried for how it's going to play out.

When I told Sapnap I felt that way around him he immediately smiled at me reassuringly before explaining to me what it basically meant. He said I might be developing a crush on Dream, but I denied it. Why would I like a boy? I've never liked a boy before so why now?

My family has always gave me mixed signals on whether or not they support LGBTQ+. If I could guess, I would say they are mostly homophobic, which honestly is the reason on why I'm questioning my new feelings.

Nobody that I know is gay or whatever so it's strange for me to think this way- would anybody even support me if I end up coming out?

When I asked Dream to go to dinner with me I was undoubtedly nervous.  I wasn't originally planning on asking him out, but Sapnap convinced me.

During the entire time Dream was speaking with me Sapnap was talking into my ear, hearing our whole conversation from beginning to end with the help of my AirPods.

When Sapnap heard me start to get angry and snappy at the blonde, he quickly scolded me. He said something along the lines of 'George don't yell, he didn't do anything. Just calm down for a second and breath alright?' It definitely helped.

And when Sapnap heard my hushed voice followed along with silence, he could only assume one thing.  And I can't blame him- he was right.  He told me to take my chance, ask him out! So I did, and hopefully Dream took it as a date kinda thing and not some friendly hangout.

Just left— give me 10 minutes and I'll be there :)

The sudden message snapped me out of my thoughts and left me with a smile.  I had already arrived at our chosen restaurant for two reasons.  One, I was very excited and couldn't wait any longer and two, Evie was bugging me like crazy so I thought the best thing to do was just leave early.

The ten minutes dream supplied me with went by quickly. Soon after the clock hit 6:00 I noticed a familiar blondie walk towards my table.  He smiled and happily seated himself in the seat across from me, immediately taking his thin jacket off and tossing it onto the back of his chair.

"Hi George." He greeted after getting situated into his seat.  I smiled shyly before replying.

"Hello dream, how are you?" I kindly reply, nervous for some reason.  Dream, instead of answering my question, just laughs and shakes his head.  I frown at that, did I say something wrong already?  He seems to catch my confusion because he quickly starts stuttering out words.

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