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Dream pov
After seeing my new large amount of viewers, I could tell my breathing picked up.  I was afraid the stream could hear it so I quickly muted and began to try and calm down.

In and out.. in and out.. in and out.

By now I bet my in-game character died.  I don't expect anybody to just let me get away with standing still next to my bed while I'm as defenseless as I could get.

As much as I hate myself for it, I glanced over at chat.  Wait what?

Are you okay Dream?
Check the game chat!
Dream are you alright
I think we frightened him guys

Are they actually asking if I'm okay?  They actually.. somewhat care for me?

Listening to what some of chat said, I looked over at the game chat, immediately seeing my teammates trying to talk to me- one of them was even punching my character repeatedly while shifting.

Apparently my teammates want my discord, at least according to game chat they do.  There must be a connection between the mass of viewers I have and them- what else would it be anyways?

Hesitantly, I agreed to chat with the two.  Even though I still haven't got the courage to unmute my stream, I just agreed to speaking with two, most likely very famous people- according to chat once again.

I exchanged discord's with the two, and almost immediately after I friended them both, they added me to a call. I didn't speak up right away, ultimately deciding on just hearing them speak before I start talking myself.

"I added him- he's added Quackity." An unfamiliar voice speaks up, shocking me as there was an uncomfortable silence on the call for about 5 seconds beforehand.  I took notice that 'Quackity' was called the same name over discord as he was in the game.  Does that mean.. 'KarlJacobs' goes by that too?

"Dream?" I chose not to reply even after KarlJacobs said I was in the call- and now I've just brought even more attention onto myself because of that. I should speak up now, right?

"Hello?" Shit shit, I think my voice went 20 octaves higher then normal.

"Dream! My man!" A new guy yells through the call, I'm assuming that it's Quackity.

Now feeling just a bit more comfortable, I decide to unmute the stream. It's not like I'm not already speaking in front of thousands of people on a different stream anyways.

"Hi.. Quackity." I obviously hesitated when saying his name, he could clearly tell as well- I mean who wouldn't tell?  And even though KarlJacobs called him Quackity earlier, I still feel scared that I messed it up somehow- I probably should of just stuck to hi.

"Hi Dream, how are you?  Sorry, this was probably unexpected!" KarlJacobs cheery voice rang through the call.

"Um- it's fine.  Just really sudden that's all." I force a laugh out, still incredibly nervous out of my mind with these new interactions and crazy viewer counts- who even are these people anyways? Why have I never heard of them??

"I don't think he knows what's happening Q.  Here I'll introduce myself, I'm Karl! I'm live right now and apparently our chat found your stream and raided it.  Sorry if it was too much or anything."

"No no it's fine.  Content creation and streaming has always been my dream so this- this is really helpful for that."  Now thinking about it, maybe all these viewers and chat members aren't that bad.  I mean I've wanted to do this since I was like 10 so why am I hesitating now when I should be savoring this moment by trying to keep the chat entertained?

This might be a once in a life time chance to get famous and make a living!

"That's great, now we need to have a talk- how are you so good at speed bridging?"


For the next 2 hours me, Karl, and Quackity hung out and played a variety of Hypixel games.  The two of them were actually really nice and cool, their followers were also quite supportive. 

I got about 1,000 new followers on twitch and about 3,000 on twitter!  Karl had ended stream at some point and raided me, leaving me with the mass amount of viewers he originally had. I freaked out internally at first for a little, but soon calmed down and began talking normally again. Karl and Quackity reassured me that I did a great job once stream ended.

We spoke for like 10 minutes after I ended stream. We got to know one another better and I learned that they were both actually older then me. It was a little embarrassing at first to tell the two I was still 18, living in my parents house while also still attending high school. They didn't believe me at first and apparently thought I was 'too mature for my age.'

On a different note, my two new friends convinced me to stream again in a day or two. I feel like without them giving me that motivation to stream- I wouldn't of streamed for awhile again.

Now that I was by myself again, I realized how hungry I was.  Because of that, I got up and stretched before making my way to the kitchen.

Neither of my parents were home as it was still around the time they would be at work, so I opted on finding a bag of chips to munch on.  Normally, my mom would yell at me if I ate all of her favorite chips- but she's not here so.. I can do what I want.

Now with a bag of chips in hand, I headed over to the living room where my fathers giant tv was propped onto the wall.  That's really the only plus of living with my dad- he brings a lot of cool and expensive things into the house which I take advantage of.

Flopping onto the couch, I began thinking of what to watch. 


I grabbed the remote that had been thrown lazily by someone onto our ottoman and clicked onto Netflix.  Scrolling, I remembered Season 4 of Stranger Things just came out.  I clicked onto that and turned all the lights off in the living room with the help of our Alexa.

I ended up binging 3 episodes of the show before I heard the front door being opened.  I had to add stranger things, I literally binged it for the first time in only a week and now it has me in a choke hold

Knowing it was my mom that got home, I quickly turned the tv off and ran over to the nearest trash can in the kitchen before my mother could reach it first.  I threw the now empty bag of chips away and then sped walk back into the living room.

My mom was fixing a pillow that I accidentally dropped on the floor as I walked in.  She turned to me as she heard my footsteps.  We locked eye contact for a second before she turned her head back towards the pillow she was fluffing up.

Silently rolling my eyes, I began walking towards my room.

I had no plans for the rest of the day, so I decided to just hop on my phone and scroll through tiktok.  Surprisingly, I actually saw of clip of Karl's stream on my fyp. It wasn't the stream I was just on, but a different one.

It was Karl playing jackbox, a game I heard of once like 2 months ago, with a few of his friends I'm assuming- Quackity was one of them and I could tell because he was yelling out different things throughout the short 3 minute clip.

I laughed a little once the video ended- what are the chances that I saw a clip of the two for the first time right after meeting them?

Hours and hours passed of me just lazily scrolling on TikTok and twitter- sometimes Snapchat. Turns out, once I finally sat up- it was dark outside. Checking the time, I saw that it was 11pm.

good night George ily 😘

Night dream love u too :>

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