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George pov

"Miss you, bye!" I yelled down my phone before ending the call. I sighed as I just stared at my screen for a moment in silence. Sapnap had left back to Texas yesterday, and I was already sad about him leaving. I knew that he was going to leave eventually, but I ignored that time until it actually happened.

Today was Easter, and I had just finished eating our special Easter dinner a little before I called Sapnap.

I'm exhausted as my mum loves to just go crazy on any holiday. One time on groundhogs day, mum made all the kids go outside and draw groundhogs with chalk. Then we played some random games outside like duck duck groundhog. Like what the fuck even is that?

Anyways, today, mum took all of us to a park where she and my dad hid eggs everywhere. We were out there for 3 hours trying to find all the eggs because apparently my dad forgot where he put the $100 large pink egg. I guess he hadn't realized he placed the egg outside the hunting territory because we found it in the parking lot of the park.

After that, we were forced to do another Easter egg hunt inside our house. Mum had hid the eggs in the most random spots. I found an egg literally stuffed into one of my old stuffed animals, and Veda found one shoved in the toilet- gross.

Whatever, I'm tired anyways.


"Now, for the visual representation of our careers- I have made a computer.  It has pushable buttons and can even display some words. For example, if you type 'hello' on the keyboard, it will show up on the screen. I used a specific software which connects certain buttons on the keyboard to the iPad screen beneath the cardboard, so only certain letters actually work."

I pressed the 5 keys to display the word 'hello' on the iPad which lead for the class to clap. I smiled before redirecting the conversation to the blonde on my left, Dream.

"Next, we are going to dive into the topic on what we've done to begin our careers. I have, personally, already been granted with a fan base from getting lucky with meeting some very special people. I've went live a few times now and would say I'm succeeding so far.."


"Great work you two, I'm very proud of how you two came together to provide such excellent information. And Dream, I'm so glad you are already making a move at your career."  Mrs H kindly congratulated us while handing our grade of the presentation and visual representation to the two of us.  We smiled before turning around to walk out of the room.

After that, we attended our following classes before finally making it to lunch, what a relief. I forgot how much I hated school during Spring break.

"Where should we sit?" Dream asks while looking down at me from the right of me. I smiled when looking back up at him before thinking of a spot.

"Let's sit under that tree outside."  He nodded before we began making our way over there.  Once we reached it, I tossed my bag down, as well did Dream, before we slumped against the tree.  We laughed together for a minute for really no reason before actually beginning to eat our lunch.  At least that was until three guys approached us.

I was confused and made that very clear as I furrowed my eyebrows at all three of them, who were now just staring down at us suspiciously. I glanced over at Dream in hope he recognized them, and fortunately, he did. I don't think that's a very good thing though.

Dream was pale and I noticed how his hand instinctively moved closer to mine to like- protect me or something?

"Dream?" I whispered to him, but he just looked over at me with wide eyes for a second before turning back to the three guys.

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