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Dream pov

Hours turned to days and then the days turned to weeks, soon enough leading for me to almost be fully healed.  I was just dealing with a faint ugly looking bruise over the bridge of my nose, but other then that I was pretty much okay.

The past two weeks and a half were a bit difficult.  I stayed with George for a few days before reluctantly returning home, only to be received with an empty house and most important, an empty fridge.

My mom wasn't buying me my usual after school dinner, which has happened before.  However, it's never went on this long before.  It's been two weeks of supposedly 'forgotten meals' and I was suffering just a tad.

I had no way of going to pick up food other then walking to a nearby gas station- so that is what I did.  I didn't want to bother George more then I already had, he's also been quite busy speaking with Sapnap.

They've gotten very close recently, making me believe me and George aren't really friends anymore- not that we ever were I guess.  We only speak occasionally during lunch, and that's when I actually get the courage to sit under the tree outside, George doesn't know where else I would be.

My 'bullies' haven't messed with me recently, relieving me. However, I think that is just because I haven't encountered them for awhile, the second they see me though I know what awaits me.

Today was a normal day like any of the other ones this week.  It started out with my stomach growling, waking me instead of my alarm.  And then it lead for me to lazily throw on an outfit and head to school, nobody pays attention to me anyways so it doesn't matter I look like.

Classes flew by boringly, like normal. And I headed out for lunch afterwards, like normal. I didn't head to the tree to prevent any bruises, like I normally did. So what was so different about this day?

"Shit, sorry." I blurted out as I rammed right into somebody sat on the ground. I tripped over them and landed on my hands, literally over the side of this persons legs. I quickly tried scrambling up, but was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Dream?" George

I scrambled up faster now, wanting to get off of the boy right away before it caused any more awkwardness between us. He just laughed loudly though.

"What the fuck are- are you doing?" He giggles out while watching me struggle. George's feet were in the way from rolling to the left and my knees were too far back to pull me up so I was sat trying to push myself up with my hands and crawl over, I eventually succeeded.

"I'm sorry." I frown, for some reason nervous to upset the brunette. He didn't seem to like my frown though.

"It's fine, what's wrong?" He asks while looking at me with concerned eyes. I just shook my head before glancing down at George's phone, he seemed to be holding it tight to his chest- I wonder what's on it.

George seemed to sense my curiosity because he pulled his phone from his chest and brought it down in front of his face, revealing what was on it.

A boy with a ball cap and raven hair was sat on the other end. He seemed to be focused intensely on some video game before him.

"Who's that?" I question George, actually having no idea who that could be.

"Sapnap." He smiles. I internally frown, but hide it with a nod and a hum. Why are these two getting so close? I mean technically they wouldn't of met without me so why aren't I being involved? Oh wait, yeah- because of my fear of speaking with strangers online.

"You showed him your face?" I ask, only continuing to word my suspicions out loud- honestly I should be keeping quiet if I were thinking right, but I'm not so oh well.

"I did, is there a problem?" George reply's sassily- I cant tell if George is actually being snappy or if he's just messing with me, he's hard to distinguish at times.

"Uh well, I mean- well no." I stutter, hoping George doesn't find it weird- he does.

"Dream?" I sigh before spitting out some words I wish to take back immediately.

"Isn't that like dangerous?" I quickly internally face palm at that.  Who am I to tell George what's right and wrong?  He's an adult and knows what will get him in trouble and what won't.  It's not like everyone gets into horrible situations on the internet everyday, unlike me..

"What are you my mum?" George speaks up, raising his voice proximity as he continues on.  I didn't mean to make him mad, I hope this doesn't get too serious.

"No- no sorry."

George begins to reply again before stopping suddenly, freezing in his tracks completely. A frown finds his face after a moment which leads for him to look back up at me.

"I'm sorry Dream, I didn't mean to yell." He sadly mumbles out, looking at a piece of grass and fiddling with it as he speaks. I raise my eyebrows at this, why isn't he mad anymore?

"Um- it's okay George." I respond hesitantly, still a little curious on why George suddenly is sad.

"It's not though, I've been ignoring you for awhile and you don't deserve that." George begins standing up, leaving his phone sat face down in the grass, I assume because Sapnap was still on the screen- is he hearing all this?

"It's really fine George, I'm fine." Now that's a lie, I don't think I'm very 'fine' right now, but whys George got to know about that?

"I don't think you are though Dream, your face is really pale too." He brings his hand to my cheek and I freeze. Oh my god why is his hand on my face. Am I blushing? I'm totally blushing right now- this is horrible!

I can't tell if George actually understands what his hand is doing right now. He probably thinks he is just inspecting my supposedly pale face, I however, think the opposite.

"Are you feeling alright?" He mutters.  I could feel his breath on my face, I now realize that we were really close together.  Being a flustered mess I just nod slowly, hoping this time he actually doesn't find my actions weird.

George glanced up at my eyes before dropping his hand from my face, meanwhile slowly backing up from our close proximity.  After that, George stops for a moment, lost in thought it seems.

Once George was done with thinking or whatever he was doing he looked back at me and smiled.  I could see a faint redness to his cheeks, but chose to ignore it- he's probably hot or something.

"Would you like to go out today- maybe to dinner or the movies?" The brunette asks while looking up at me hopefully.  Why is he asking me this? I didn't even think we were friends.  To be honest though, this kinda sounds like he's asking me on a date, but I would be crazy to think that.

"I guess-"

"If you don't want to, we don't have to go anywhere." He interrupts, sensing my hesitation. I quickly shake my head- if he's actually asking me out, I don't want to ruin it with my stupid thoughts.

"No of course we can!" I yell out a little too excitingly. I probably look like an idiot right now if there is nothing special about our little hang out later.

The brunette smiles at me before we exchange times and addresses to where ever we were going. We decided on going out to eat to a simple little Chinese restaurant, I've heard it has good reviews. Once we finished with all that the bell for our next class rang throughout the school grounds.

We said our goodbyes and headed off to our classes. I'm feeling extra happy as I make my way to my class, thrilled at the idea of finally hanging out with George again- maybe even getting to go on a little date with him as well later..

I just hope this isn't all because of pity, what if George just feels bad for ignoring me for all those weeks?

1404 words

A new chapter!! Yay :D

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