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George pov

"George! Where the fuck are you?!"

My eyes widen as I take another look at the phone before me, Evie?  Why did I answer the phone in the first place, not like Evie gives a shit about me.

"Evie?" I mumble out while glancing up at Dream.  He was staring me down like an eagle, seemingly very curious in me and my sisters banter.  Because of this, I reluctantly put the phone to my ear, turning off speaker mode in the process.  Dream frowned, but I could tell he was trying to hide it.

"Don't 'Evie' me George, where the hell did you go?"  She sounded panicked which confused me.  Mum probably told her to call, why else would she care in the slightest bit?

"I'm staying at a friends." I huff out, eyebrows furrowed.

"And you didn't think to call?" Evie continues to question me, only confusing me even more. 

"Why would I have to call? I'm 18 now Ev, an adult." I confirm, thinking maybe my sister just forgot I'm not her young little bro anymore, always needing clarification or a ride to come home before curfew so mum and dad wouldn't yell at me.

I watched as person after person left the small restaurant I remained in.  It was 10:45pm, 15 minutes before curfew ends.  My mum had told me how if I stayed out past 11pm I would be grounded for a month, but there was no way I would make it home in time even if I tried.

At around 10 I began walking down unfamiliar sidewalks, basically just exploring.  At least that was until I realized how unfamiliar these sidewalks were, I was most definitely lost.

After I realized that I had no idea where I was, I found the nearest restaurant and bought a table, settling on the idea of just getting a bite to eat before heading back home, or trying to at least.


I flinched at the sound of my phone and quickly flipped it over from its spot on the table.  The contact name portrayed that my sister, Evie, was calling.  I pick the phone up right away.

"Ev, what's up?"

"George! Where are you, Ill pick you up just give me a location." She blurts out quickly, I could hear keys being shook around on the other end of the line as well, making me believe she was already in her car.

"I'm at.." I take a glance towards a giant sign outside a nearby window.

"An Arby's?" Evie responds with an okay before I hear her car ignition rumble up.

"I think I know where you're at, I'll be there as quick as I can george."

I shake my head at the memories from only a few years ago and return myself back to reality.

"Yeah, but you still live under the same roof as all of us, you can't just disappear on us George." I sigh before glancing over at Dream again, he wasn't staring me down anymore.  Instead, he was just laying on his back, facing the ceiling, with his eyes wide open, seemingly lost in thought.

"Why do you care?" I blurt out without thinking beforehand.  I mean, that is what I was thinking, but maybe I said it a little too harshly.  Welp, not like she really does care anyways.

A long silence takes over the call, making me quite uncomfortable. 


"Because I'm your sister George." She interrupts after most likely thinking over her words precisely beforehand.

"But you hate me.." I hear a small gasp come from the other side.  I also think I hear a gasp from right next to me, causing for me to reluctantly look over at Dream.  His eyebrows were furrowed, but he was obviously holding himself back from looking at me and judging my words.

"I don't hate you george, I'm sorry."  My eyebrows raise and I quickly sit up from my spot on dreams bed.  Dream also quickly sits up, sensing something was happening as I suddenly moved.

"You're sorry?"  Another silence fills the call, but this one ended quicker then the one before, kind of catching me off guard.

"Yes George, I'm sorry.  I don't want you to think I hate you cause I really don't george.  You're my little brother, I couldn't hate you."  My breath catches in my throat as I take in all of her words.

"George, is everything alright?" Dream whispers from beside me, snapping me out of the trance I got stuck in.  I try and nod subtly to him, but it doesn't seem to be enough because the blonde begins to wrap his arms around my shoulders, pulling me close to his chest, allowing me to hear his steady heartbeat.

"I'm at dreams house, alright Evie?  We can talk later when I come home." I sigh and wait a second for my sisters response.

"Okay George-"

I ended the call and immediately cuddled into Dream's warm arms.  I didn't cry, but I sure did feel tons of emotions at once.  It really doesn't seem to be that big of a deal, but me and Evie haven't shown anything but hate to each other for the past two years, so this- this was shocking.

After a minute or two of silent hugging, dream begins to lay back down with me still in his arms.  I rest my head on his chest and continue to listen to his even breaths and steady heartbeat.

We fell asleep not long after that.

I awake to soft fingers being ran through my, most likely, messy pile of brunette locks a top my head.  I smile as soon as I remember who was behind me, doing that very action of running fingers through my hair.

"Morning George."  I yawn and start maneuvering myself to face the blonde I so desperately love. However, when I see his face I can't help, but think if he loves me back.  I know we had that whole talk yesterday about our feelings, but he never said he loved me.

Honestly, If he doesn't love me that's okay.  He said he likes me and loving someone definitely takes more time to figure out, much longer then just admitting to having a crush on somebody.

I think my best option right now is to just take our whole relationship slowly, if Dream doesn't want to act on anything right now then we don't have-

"George, what are we?" Oh. Sure wasn't expecting that one.

"Um well, we can- we can be whatever you want I guess.." I stutter out, completely shocked by Dreams sudden question.

"Sorry if this is too soon, I know we only talked about this yesterday and all, but I just feel this really strong connection with you and-"

I cut Dream off with a kiss, he immediately returns it.  The kiss doesn't last long, but it lasted long enough for us both to catch our breaths once it ended.

"I already said I love you dream, nothing could move faster then that."  Dream chuckles which allows for me to giggle as well.  He places his hand that was once in my hair, onto my hand that laid in between us.

"Then um, will you be my boyfriend?" Dream questions while trying his hardest to obtain eye contact.  His small greens eyes flicker from both of my brown and then down to our hands every second, causing me to internally laugh at.

"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend dream." He smiles before plopping his head down straight onto our interlocked hands. 

"I love you too george."

1278 words

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