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Dream pov

After surprising both George and Sapnap by kissing George's cheek, I was left with a confident smirk. It was a very unlikely thing I would normally do so I was proud of myself once I did it.

"Um." George mumbled out, definitely still in a shocked state of mind.

"George? You gonna answer Sapnap?"  George looked over at me now with confused eyes, I laughed a bit at his dumbfounded expression.

"About what?"

"What we literally just talked about idiot."  I flicked the brunettes forehead to snap him back into reality, causing a laugh from the boy over the phone.  George seemed to understand now as he quickly straightened his posture up and clapped his hands together while now staring directly at his phone with Sapnap's smiling face presented on the screen.

"Uh so yeah.. um" I nudged the brunettes shoulder, silently telling him to just say it.

"We're together."  George mumbled out- I don't even know if it was heard from over the phone, but judging by Sapnap's face, it definitely was.

"Obviously!" Sapnap laughed out with a big smile on his face, George's face- and probably my own, had flushed a bright red. I was still smiling like an idiot though. God, I didn't think I'd be so happy after telling someone.

George had been the only person that's known about me being into men- I wouldn't count my bullies, and that's just because he's my boyfriend so obviously he knows. But Sapnap, I basically just came out to him.

After telling Sapnap about our relationship, the three of us quickly started up conversations.  It wasn't awkward, like I thought it might have been.  And I wasn't nervous, like I've always been around new people.  I don't know what really changed, but I'm glad it did.

Me and george also discussed our plan with Sapnap, about us talking with Quackity and Karl.  Sapnap loved the idea of meeting more people- so that leads us to where we were now.

George was on a call with Sapnap on his pc and we were now just waiting for Karl and Quackity to join the discord call as well.  I sent a quick message to the both of them telling them to friend George on discord and to join the call.  They agreed after a few minutes of waiting.

"Oh my god! Hi!" I was snapped out of my thoughts my George's lovely voice screeching with excitement, guess somebody joined.  Glancing over at the monitor- I saw that Karl had joined the call with his face cam on!  Sapnap and George both had there cameras on so we all were presented on the screen already.

"Hello!" Karl replied, just as cheerfully.

"Hi Karl! Do you know if Quackity will be here soon?"  I asked, wanting to introduce George and Sapnap once both of my friends were here.  It would be too much extra work to introduce each of them twice! Also, coming out three times in one day? That's a definite no.

"Yeah, he should be right on.  I texted him literally like a minute ago, I think he had to piss."  Karl laughed out, leading me to laugh a bit as well.  After we finished laughing though, the call filled with complete silence.  Everybody was just looking at each other awkwardly.

I grabbed George's hand out of frame and squeezed it softly, he looked over at me and smiled.  I smiled back, trying not to make it too obvious to Karl though that we had some romance going on.

"Dream! My man!" Me and George's little staring contest quickly ended once my second friend joined the call, Quackity.  Quackity was wearing his blue LAFD beanie- I knew that because he also, like everyone else, had his camera on.  Funny how everyone just silently knew to show their face.

"Hi Quackity! How are you?" I greeted the boy with a little smile.

"I'm good, now please introduce me to these handsome young men!" Quackity calles out with a big smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and I could tell Karl did as well before I began talking once again.

"Karl, Quackity, this is George and Sapnap. George is the brunette beside me. Oh! And George and Sapnap, these are my other friends, Quackity with the beanie, and Karl- who got here first." Everyone was smiling at each other, making me feel happy- I'm so glad everyone is getting along.

"Hi Karl, hi Quackity." George began first, followed by everyone else in the call greeting the new strangers as well.

The whole group easily slipped into conversation- without me even doing anything!  This couldn't have been going better, everyone seems so happy.  At least, that was until I realized I still had some awfully important news to share still.

"Uhm, George? Do you think it's time?"  I whispered over to my boyfriend while Sapnap, Karl, and Quackity were all laughing.  George looked over at me with a small smile and nodded.

"Yes, only if your ready though.  Don't feel pressured."  The brunette mumbled back kindly, making me blush bright red.  I nodded and turned back to George's pc, mentally preparing myself to speak up.

"Um, excuse me- Karl, Quackity.  I have something to say if you don't mind."  I spoke out, a bit loud just to make sure they would both hear me loud and clear- I didn't feel like repeating myself, that would be awkward.

"Oh my god, yes! Finally!" Sapnap yells out excitedly, making me roll my eyes and look at George again- he seemed to also be rolling his eyes.

"Wait? Wait what happened?" Karl, a bit unsure, asks- he quickly stopped laughing once hearing me speak up.  Quackity was a little less concerned, he seemed to match Sapnap's hyped up energy more.

"Nothing to worry about, Sapnap is exaggerating." George laughed a bit, trying to calm Karl down a bit more.

"Yeah uhm, nothing to worry about.  I just wanted to share something with the two you you."  They both nodded, not bothering to speak and instead just silently urged me to continue.

"So I- I'm actually in a relationship.  With- with George.  Yes, uhm- with George yes."  I stuttered out quickly, not knowing the right words.  I think kissing George's cheek was a better was to come out then whatever this mess is.

I immediately noticed Karl and Quackity's shocked faces once I finished my stuttering, it made me awkwardly laugh and look away from the screen.

"Didn't we already know that though?"  I snapped my head back to the screen quickly just to see Quackity with a slight smile.  I furrowed my eyebrows which led for Quackity to laugh and reply.

"I mean you both obviously have a connection, I already thought you were dating or something like that."

"Did you Karl..?" I asked shyly, wondering if we really were that obvious.

"No, I didn't know- you guys fooled me."  Karl laughed, making me relieved.  Maybe I was too worried after all, my friends would never judge me for something like this- I should've known better.

1186 words

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