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Dream pov

It's Tuesday now, and me and George were currently finishing up our career projects together. The project we were doing in Mrs. H's class was a long one- literally it is taking like a month to do. We had to prepare a presentation speech, a slideshow, fill out an 8 page packet, and we had to create something physical to present to the class.

Me and George had a bit of a delay with my broken nose and such, but our career choices being so similar definitely helped us catch up a bit. George had built and painted a fake laptop with pushable buttons as our display object to present. It was to represent how we were planning to stream and create content.

I had took the roll of making the slideshow, mostly because I am undoubtedly better at technology then George- not that he is bad, I am just really good.

Anyways, yesterday after school, me and George took a walk to a nearby store to buy something for Veda- her birthday was coming up and George felt like he had to buy her something for it, which was probably a smart older brother move on his part.

He decided on this little stuffed pink pig for her. It was cheap, but George had a lot of faith in the fact she would love and appreciate it. I can only hope he is right- imagine how sad he would be if Veda rejected his gift that he somehow was so excited about.

He mentioned something about it being sentimental and that she would 'understand it'. All I know is that I sure don't.

"Dream show me the 12th slide again." George mumbles to me while glancing over at my laptop. I had the slideshow pulled up so I could finish and perfect some stuff, George was using the information I gathered to prepare our speech.

I have been helping prepare it as well, but I was currently taking a little break, I had been nonstop staring at google slides for days now- besides the days where I was with George or talking with my friends of course.

"Um okay, didn't we already finalize this slide?" I asked after realizing the 12th slide was the one about George's fake cardboard computer.

"Yes, but I want to practice it again."  George responds back while pulling the laptop towards himself so he could see it better.

"Now, for the visual representation of our careers- I have made a computer.  It has pushable buttons and-"

Thursday, April 7th- Me and George had just finished school for the day and were now making our way to the nearby park. He had the little stuffed pig in his left hand while I was carrying a small roll of wrapping paper.

Today was his little sisters 9th birthday- George wanted to wrap her present, but had completely forgot before arriving at school. So now here we are, making our way to the park to wrap her present before bringing it to his house just to watch her destroy our hard work.

We wouldn't of had this wrapping paper though if it wasn't for one of the teachers offering it to us, she apparently heard our complaints about not having any so she brought us to a little supply closet and pulled out some wrapping paper- to say me and George were surprised was an understatement.

This teacher wasn't even one of ours, she was just some sophomore math teacher that neither me and George had ever heard of.

"I hope she likes her present." George says once we arrive at a bench at the park.

"I'm sure she will."  George just hums as a reply while grabbing the wrapping paper from me.  He then lays the already cut wrapping paper down on the concrete while putting the plushie in the middle of it face down.

"Did you grab the tape?"  George asks after folding the first two pieces inward.  I nod while reaching into my pocket, eventually pulling out an almost empty thing of tape.  George smiles while grabbing the tape before ripping off a piece and sticking the two things of paper in his hand together.

We both know the wrapping won't be perfect, I mean it's never really easy to wrap a stuffed animal- we didn't have time to find a box as well though.

"Okay, hows it look?" George asks me once he finishes wrapping with a small proud smile on his face.  I smile and admire my boyfriend for a second, gosh he's cute.

"Oh yeah it's good, cmon let's get going before you're late to dinner once again."  I laugh while standing up, pulling the brunette and his newly wrapped present up as well.

George nods before we both begin our walk towards his house.

"I'm home!" George calls once we enter the front door of his home.  We both immediately hear footsteps running into the room.

"Finally, god what took you so long?" Evie complains while rushing over towards us.  She glances at me out of the corner of her eye for a second before quickly putting her attention back on George with a small frown.

"We had to wrap Veda's present, where is she anyways?"  George responds.  I'm left just standing off to the side with my arms crossed over my chest awkwardly.  I stared at the siblings and once again realized just like when I first met Evie, how alike the two looked.

George would hate me if I told him that, but it really isn't possible to ignore how similar they are. They practically had the same eyes, eye color, hair color, lips, and face shape. They were also very similar in height- actually I don't even think I can tell who's taller.

George had also mentioned to me once that him and Evie were the closet in age.  Her birthday I believe is like December 2nd, 2002 and George's is like November 1st, 2003.  Don't ask me why I know that, George just really likes telling me random ass facts about his family members.

"She's in her bedroom, we had to hide her up there so she wouldn't see her gifts.  We wanted her to open everything together, but you were taking so fucking long so we almost did it without you."

"Well it's not my fault I have to walk from school!" George exclaims while putting his hands up in defense.

"Actually it is. You could be taking the bus- Or, you could just learn to drive like any other person your age!" Evie responds back before we all hear their mom yell from the living room- telling them to hurry up and for Evie to stop using that 'language'.

"And this one is from me." George says with a smile while passing the present he wrapped at the park over to Veda.

Veda smiles and gladly grabs the present, immediately ripping it open just like I imagined her doing.  The pink pig quickly came into everyone's vision once she ripped all the wrapping paper off.  Veda smiled but I could tell she was a little confused with it.  George could tell too because he quickly began to explain.

"Do you remember when you were really little and me, you, and Tyra would all watch Moana? You would be so happy when you saw the pig on the screen, I thought you would like to have a little piggy of your own."  George mumbles with a smile, making me smile as well- he really pays attention to his siblings doesn't he?

I glance around the room and my eyes lock on Tyra, she was frowning while looking at the floor.  Why is she sad?  I thought the little movie thing George talked about with his younger sisters was cute.

My eyes are torn from Tyra's sad face once I feel George fall over onto me.  He had been sitting only a few inches from me on the floor while Veda was opening her families presents.  In shock, I quickly snap my head to George only to find Veda on top of him giving him a big hug.  George had apparently fallen onto me from the impact of Veda throwing herself into his arms.

I grabbed George's shoulders lightly and gently pushed him and Veda up to a sitting position.  George was smiling wide while Veda was as well.

"Thank you Georgie."  I hear her mumble from being so close to the two.  George smiles and nods as a reply while placing the youngest back onto her own two feet.

"Okay, presents are done! Are we ready for cake?" George's dad yells while clapping his hands.  The room erupts in cheers and people standing up, quickly making their way to the kitchen.  I glance at the brunette still beside me.  I send him a quick smile in which he reciprocates.

1488 words

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