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Dream pov

I guess inspecting those photos of George's siblings came in handy, I mean I probably wouldn't of known who Micheal was before hand and then wouldn't of been in my current situation now. 

Me, george, and his brother Michael were all making our ways to the freshman side of the school, on our ways to find Sam, George's other brother who is slightly older then the one beside me.

"Can't we do this another day?" George whines as he was beginning to slow down his walking, almost coming to an entire full stop.  I frowned at the brunette, trying to win him over by looking all sad and upset- I remember how when I showed up at his house with half my face being bruised he took care of me and turned all protective mode, I think it was his big brother instincts kicking it.

"I just wanted to meet the last member of your family, but we can go back I guess." I mumbled, really trying to put on a good act.  George seemed to by it because he sped his walking up again to catch up with us.

"Fine Dream, but just because I feel bad for yelling at you yesterday.." he mutters, seemingly trying to act annoyed even when I could tell he was actually upset at himself for it.  I frowned at that, I don't want him feeling bad for yelling- obviously it was unexpected, but I just met the dude and I already started asking about the rumors about him.  It was irresponsible of me.

"Oooo, tell me more.  Why'd you yell at him gogy?" Micheal teases, punching George in the side while doing so.  George obnoxiously rolls his eyes and shoves Micheal back playfully, not actually trying to hurt the younger.

"It's none of your business, and don't call me that idiot." George huffs, I could tell he didn't enjoy his brothers presence very much, but if you look at his actions closely you could tell he still loved the boy.  For example, idiot is often a teasing insult- it's not used for someone you dislike most of the time, at least for my experiences it's not.

"What? Gogy gogy gogy-" Micheal rambles on, continuing to purposely annoy his older brother.

"Shut up Micheal, I'll turn around right now." He says added on with a harsh glare towards Micheal, most definitely done with his brothers antics.

"Alright Micheal, George is getting grumpy." I laugh, jokingly telling Micheal to stop messing around before he gets his ass beat.  George ignores my comment and speeds up his walking again, trying to speed walk away from us I suppose.

3 minutes later we had arrived at the freshman cafeteria area, Micheal knowing exactly where to lead us to find his older brother. On the way I caught George glancing at me every once and while, however I wouldn't of known that if I wasn't looking at him as well.

"Micheal, you actually brought him?" A voice I don't recognize yells over towards the three of us. I look over at where the voice came from and spot a dirty blonde teenage boy staring at us. He didn't look very similar to George nor his brother, but I could see some resemblance in George's sisters to him. The eyes for example, they seemed to be shaped quite similar.

"Yeah, and I brought his new bestie as well." Micheal yells back at who I believe is Sam. I catch George rolling his eyes before making his way over towards a nearby bench, sitting down and getting comfortable right away- What an idiot

"Ooo who's he?" The blonde questions as he actually begins walking towards us. I look down at him, realizing he's quite short, even shorter then Micheal who I'm pretty sure is younger then him.

"I'm Dream." I reply, putting my hand out to greet him, I noticed his brother did that and think that he most likely would want to shake hands as well- I was proven wrong.

"Formal, I see." He mutters, staring at my hand, almost glaring at it in a way. I quickly put it down once I take note of his expression. He stares back up at me after that, making me a bit uncomfortable.

"The names Sam, I'm the best brother by the way. Those losers don't mean nothing." He confidently speaks, meanwhile placing his hands on his hips and pulling a 'that was a good one' face. Before I could reply with god knows what someone speaks from behind me while pushing through us.

"Sam stop acting like your 5, grow up." George, clearly annoyed, speaks up while pushing the blonde backwards. The back of his legs hit the bench causing him to fall onto it, landing it a simple sitting position.

"Oh cmon George, stop being all mature and shit." He grumbles out, waving his arms all around dramatically.

"Y'know what, me and dream are leaving now." George says while turning around to face me, immediately grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the two younger boys.

He continues to pull me through a various range of hallways, some I've seen and others that are quite new to me.  They've definitely made some changes on this half of the school since I was a freshman. 

As we're walking I notice George's hand still locked tightly to mine.  His hand was cold now that I realize I was holding it.  I gave a soft squeeze to his hand which seemed to make the fact we were holding hands click in George's mind.  He quickly let go and made sure not to look in my direction, purposely looking to the left to block my gaze.

I frowned a bit at that, but decided to tease him anyways.

"Aw, no more hand holding?" I giggle, obviously trying to embarrass the boy, but also feeling a bit sad that our hands embrace had ended so bluntly. The brunette shakes his head, most likely trying to show me his eyes were rolling with the move of his head. That was followed by a scoff which made me laugh a little harder.

"Is Georgie still grumpy?" I tease. The brunette abruptly stops in his tracks and looks over at me with his eyes squinted. I stare at him, wondering what his next move was going to be and when it was going to finally come.

"What'd you call me?" He asks while raising a brow and staring at me intensely. I watch as his eyes slowly scan my face, taking in all the little details. They then move down my body, it's like he's trying to just learn everything about me in just how I look. His eyes glance all the way to my feet before looking back up at my face.

Right before I could respond, we were interrupted by the sound of the bell, informing us lunch has came to an end. We both flinch at the sound, getting taken out of the strange atmosphere formed around us. We both silently turn back to where we were walking and continue again, kind of acting like nothing had just previously happened.

When we made it back to the senior side of the building we both knew we had to separate.  I glanced over at George and silently waved, followed by a replying wave from the brunette.

I smiled as I walked away, feeling happy I got to spend some time with George, even if he wasn't in the greatest mood there is.  I was also happy about not having to deal with any punches to the face today.  Normally the three 'bullies" don't show everyday just in case of getting caught, but you never know when they can just show up.  So I'm glad I wasn't in my normal spot so if they were on the hunt for blood, it wouldn't be me.

1341 words

Short filler chapter just because I'm not going to be home for the rest of the day today :)

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