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Dream pov

"Thanks again guys for tuning in, it literally means so much to me.  None of you have any idea how crazy this is."  I exclaimed while staring at chat moving quite quickly.

It is Monday, and I am relieved to announce that it is finally spring break.  Karl had convinced me to go live so I was set on the idea of doing it bright and early in the morning.  Though that might have been a bad idea- I'm so fucking tired right now.

My dad woke me up really early today and commanded me to do the dishes and take out the trash- even though I had promised to do it right when I woke up, apparently he wanted to visually watch me do it.  He literally stood there with his arms crossed and watched me! I'm not joking!

"Yeah, I'm doing a QNA.  I decided it was best for you all to get to know me as I'm very new to streaming and all this fame." I continued on my conversation with chat, still finding it a little weird that I'm talking to so many people at the same time.

"Mhm, just start asking questions. I'm gonna play bedwars." I reassured the chat again as they were all still saying hi and asking if we were starting now.

I didn't answer any questions right away, opting on letting them all think for a second.  After a minute passed though, I was turning my head to the chat and reading away.

"Favorite color?  Haha nice question I guess.  It's green."  Chat was starting out with more basic questions, which I appreciated.

"How old am I? I'm 18."

"Pronouns? He/him thanks for asking."

"Any pets? No, but I want a cat."

Chat was being so nice so far, making this QNA a lot easier then it should be.  I was expecting people to start asking me my address or full name straight away, but surprisingly almost everyone was being respectful.

Pablojacobs- is dreamwastaken actually taken?

"What the fuck! Oh my gosh thanks so much for the donation! That was like a jump scare!" I exclaim loudly once hearing the little donation ring through my headphones.  Wow- I'm already getting money from this. 

After literally processing and freaking out over the donation for like 30 seconds, I actually took the time to read it.

"Is dreamwastaken actually taken?" I read out loud, furrowing my brows afterward.  Do I tell them I have a boyfriend? Or even a partner in general?? Will they judge me? I don't really know how welcoming this fanbase is yet.

Quackity and Karl both accepted me and George real quick, but how do I know if their fanbase feels the same way?

"Uh.." Normally when I saw a question like this in chat I would ignore it, but I would feel rude to ignore my first ever donation!

"Um yeah.. I guess I am. Haha" I couldn't even explain to you how fast chat moved after that.  They were all so shocked.  Some were spamming congratulations while others were, hopefully, faking being disappointed.  Almost like they all don't have a chance with my hot self anymore.

Ring ring ring

My eyes widened as I quickly looked over at my phone. Speaking of my boyfriend..

"Oops sorry guys I have to take this." I muted the stream, checking twice to make sure it was actually muted before picking up my phone and hitting accept.

"DREAM!" George's lovely voice greeted me with loud proximity right away. I smiled before replying with a much quieter 'hi', leading for George to giggly cutely.

"Sapnap is almost here! I'm so excited! Can you pleeeeease come over to see him with me? Pleeeeease!" George began begging me without even hearing my original answer in the first place. I laughed before shaking my head as a way of saying 'what an idiot'.

"I'm streaming right now George." I sighed out, immediately feeling sad for disappointing him.

"Can't you end? I really want you to meet him too!" George whined out causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'm doing a QNA and I just started not long ago. It would be rude to end so soon. Besides I was just talking about you." George didn't reply right away after that. It made me a bit worried- what if George is mad that I mentioned I'm dating someone?

"About me? You told them about me?"

"Not necessarily. Just that I was dating someone."

"Oh." I frowned. Is he actually mad at me? I would feel so bad if he was upset about this- I shouldn't of been so stupid and tell them all that I was actually-

"Do you think you could tell them more?" My expression immediately changed. More? What does he mean?

"Huh?" I questioned out loud. He sighed right after.

"Like, do you think you could tell them my name or something? Remember when I said I was to be a content creator too? You could like shout me out. Only if you want! Obviously you don't have to if you're not comfortable or you just don't want to. Sorry, I'm being selfish. Ignore what I said, I'm an idiot."

"Do you want to say hi?" The other line of the phone went completely silent for a solid minute- making me think he hung up for a second before I glanced over at the phone that was originally at my ear.

"Like.. to your fans?"

"I wouldn't say their my fans. They are more like Quackity and Karl's fans, but yeah. Do you want to say hi to the stream?"

"Only if you can come over right after. I'm so nervous to meet him I really need you here." I laughed for a few seconds before glancing over at chat. They were all so confused on why I've been muted for so long, making me feel kind of bad.

"Okay okay, only because chat is sad right now." George made a happy little sound before I told him to be silent for a sec while I unmute again.

"I'm back, sorry everyone. I'm actually going to disappoint you all even more though. I have to go, but I wanted to actually introduce you all to my.. um, partner first." Chat went ballistic once again, spamming different cheers and celebration emotes.

"Um.. they want me to go to their house. That's why I'm leaving by the way. Blame them. Haha." I was awkwardly talking now so I decided to finally introduce George. For real this time.

"Okay okay I'll cut to the chase. He wants me to shout him out so everyone go check out his socials if you want. He goes by Georgenotfound so you can all try to find him if you want." I was so worried that chat was gonna judge me for two reasons

One, that I was gay. That was an obvious.

And two, that I was just seemingly using my new fame to shout out someone they all probably have no interest in.

"Hi!" George yelled through our call, surprising me. I hadn't told him to speak yet. Whatever though, I don't really care.

"Nobody has to follow me if you don't want to. Don't feel pressured. I just kind of also really want to make a profit off of streaming and stuff and all this would help a lot. Anyways, Dream can I introduce myself?"

I laughed a bit, silently thanking George in my head for telling them all that before telling George he could.

"It's gonna be quick because me and Dream have to go, but my name is George. My favorite color is blue and I'm 18! Bye!" George ended the call after quickly introducing himself. I rolled my eyes once again.

'What. An. idiot.'

1305 words

I don't really like this chapter but I didn't know what else to do here sorry ;(

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