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Dream pov

A lady I haven't met before makes her way down the stairs George previously left to, making me think this mysterious women was his mother. She quickly spots me and rushes over to me.

She softly brings her hand to my own and brings it away from my face, allowing her to inspect my nose just like George had done back at the park. She hums while looking at me before letting go of my hand, giving me access to put the ice, which almost was water now, back onto my injury.

"He was right, it's most likely broken." She mumbles before standing up straight, glancing around the room in search for something. I soon learn that something was her car keys because she runs over to them sat on a nearby shelf.

While she was retrieving the keys, a familiar brunette this time jogs down the stairs. He spots me just like his mom had and walks over to me.

Silently, he sits on the couch I was already resided on and places his hand on mine again. He smiles at me before laying his head on my shoulder hesitantly. I feel my face heat up at this, completely forgetting about the pain of my injury.

20 minutes later we had all pulled into a hospital.

45 minutes later my name was getting called by a nurse.

1 hour later I was being told my nose was broken- Isn't that exciting?

Now, present time, I was sat once again on George's couch with ice to my face. I was told to keep it there for a bit longer to reduce swelling. Fortunately, the doctors said a surgery wasn't necessary and that I just needed to give it time before it fully healed.

George offered for me to sleep in his bed for the night- as I was totally not planning on going back home, but I declined. That was only because George said he would be sleeping on the coach otherwise, I thought that would just be rude of me to steal his bed.

Somewhere around 4am I awoke to footsteps heavily running down the nearby stairs. I slightly peaked my eyes open to see a familiar, young, brunette, girl sprinting down the last few steps of the stairs. She ran past me all the way to what I assume was the kitchen.

Veda returned 5 minutes later with a bag of cheese puffs in her hands, she was smiling brightly while stuffing her face with them. At least that was until we held eye contact for a solid 10 seconds.

The girl instinctively reached into her bag and brought a handful of cheese puffs out, throwing them at me right after. I shrieked and covered my face, my nose more importantly however. She shrieked as well, much louder then me though as I heard footsteps come only moments later down the previous used stairs.

An older looking man rushes down the stairs only to spot Veda tossing Cheese Puff after Cheese Puff at me.

"Who the hell?" He yells at me, tossing his arms up to express his confusion.  I catch him pulling Veda away from me, having her stand behind his back instead of only a few feet in front of me.

Because I was no longer being bombarded with cheese puffs at my face I finally took my hands from my nose and got a proper look at the man before me. He had blondish hair, but it seemed to darken up over the years, now resulting in a dirty blonde with some grey as well.

Suddenly another pair of footsteps came from those same stairs- maybe I should of took George's bed in the first place. Fortunately for me, I knew who this person was, and they knew me.

"Is everything alright Dream?" George yells once he reaches the bottom of the stairs, not yet noticing his youngest sister and father standing off to the side.

"Oh" George mumbles as he spots the two standing before me.  The brunette hesitantly shuffles over towards me and stands in front of where I sat, facing his family members.

"I see you've met Dream-"

"Why is he in my home George?"  The older man, more commonly known as George's father, speaks up angrily.  He's probably annoyed with being woken up at 4am, I mean I am too.

"Well he- he couldn't go to his house so me and mum offered for him to sleep here tonight.."  George squeaks out while rubbing the back of his neck, throwing subtle glancing at me in the process.

"Your mother was in on this? I find that surprising." He grumbles while stepping towards George, pointing accusingly at him.

"She was, but I'm sorry.  I should of asked you too."  I hear the shake in his voice and I think George's father heard it too because he stepped back and let out a sigh.

"It's fine George, just let me know next time.  You also scared your sister half to death so I recommend apologizing."  George nods before the older man eventually leaves the room, leaving just me, George, and his youngest sister.

"I'm sorry Veda." George mutters while walking towards the young girl.  She smiles a little bit up at her brother and shrugs.

"It's alright George.  I threw cheese puffs at him."  She giggles along with her words while pointing over at me.  George glances back at me with a much softer face then before and laughs a bit.

"Sorry Dream." He apologizes to the third person of the night- or morning.

"Don't say sorry, I'm okay.  I don't think your floor is though, it's covered in crumbs." I reply as I look down at the floor, realizing just how much of a mess Veda caused.

"Veda!" George scolds playfully.  The girl giggles once more before skipping her way to the stairs, making a dramatic exit.

"That's what you get."

George shakes his head before walking towards me slowly, staring at the ground as he continues on.  Once he reaches the couch he flops down on it, brushing against my shoulder in the process of sitting.

Without thinking very much I lean my head on his shoulder, slightly cuddling into the brunette.  He seems to catch onto what I want because he also subtly cuddles into my side, grabbing ahold of my right arm and squeezing it against his chest.

"The last few hours have been exhausting." He mumbles into my arm he cuddled up with.  I close my eyes and sigh as a response.  The room goes silent after that, only filled with the quiet sounds of our synced up breathes.

"Goodnight George." I mutter as I feel myself close to drifting off into unconsciousness. 

"Night dream."

1131 words

Short filler chapter because I still don't know how to treat a broken nose

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