Chapter 1

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Jungkook and Y/N had a near perfect marriage that lacked only one offspring. Five years of trying yet all they had to show for it were numerous failed pregnancies and crushed hopes. High school sweethearts, they married after graduating university. Her first pregnancy happened two years later but she lost it during the eleventh week. They tried again a few months later with success. It lasted two months before she miscarried again. Y/N's depression grew at her inability to give Jungkook a child but his love for her never wavered.

Multiple miscarriages and many tests later, they had no choice but to accept that Y/N would never be able to birth their child. But through IVF and a surrogate, the possibility was there to have their own biological child. Y/N's eggs were harvested, fertilized with Jungkook's sperm, and then transplanted into the womb of a surrogate. The surrogate will then carry the child to term and give birth to the baby. At least that was the plan.

Unfortunately, the three times they tried ended with either failure to implant in the womb or by miscarriage. The doctors learned ultimately that something was wrong with Y/N's eggs which prevented them from growing to full term. IVF was still possible, but only by using a donor egg instead. This means the baby would only be genetically related to Jungkook. This was a tough blow to Y/N's already fragile state. She felt like she was a failure to her husband. Wives were supposed to give husbands a child but she couldn't even do that!

The procedure alone is expensive, plus there is also the surrogate's fees. Each try depleted their savings until they had none left. Y/N quit her job early on to focus on maintaining her health, so they only had Jungkook's earnings to survive on. Now even if they wanted to try again, they simply couldn't afford it.

"Honey, where are you going?" Jungkook spotted his wife putting on her shoes. They'd come home from the hospital an hour ago after their last surrogate's miscarriage.

"I need some fresh air." She responded quietly. "I am going for a walk."

"I'll go with you." He stood up immediately from the couch. "Just let me grab my..."

She cut him off before he could finish, "No, Jungkook. I need to be by myself for a bit. Please."

"I know you're hurting. So am I. Please let me help you. We can get through this together," he begged. He was just as sad and disappointed as Y/N but he also knew she blamed herself. He hated that he couldn't ease her mind completely. This was not her fault and he had to make sure she understood that.

"I promise you I'll be okay. I won't be gone long, an hour max. I promise." She smiled.

"Alright, but if you're not back in one hour I will track you down." He envelopes her a hug and places a kiss on her temple. "I love you baby, never forget." His heart ached for her even though he himself was in pain too. He wanted to comfort her yet all his attempts have failed. He didn't know how to make her let go of the guilt that set upon her soul. What kind of husband was he if he couldn't do that for his wife?

"I love you too Kookie." She replied before their lips met. They kissed tenderly for a few moments before he finally let her go.

He didn't know what else to do at this point. They were out of money and had even borrowed money from his hyungs to pay for the last surrogate. If they waited a few months, they could save enough to adopt. To be honest, he didn't mind that at all. All he wanted was his wife to be healthy and to have a child with her. It didn't matter that it wasn't theirs biologically. Y/N though had her heart set on it, so he went along with her wishes. Saving up for another IVF procedure would take years and they didn't want to wait any longer to start a family. He made up his mind to approach her about adoption after she heals from this recent tragedy.

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