Chapter 21

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"You did?" She was stunned, her wide-eyes boring into him. Given everything else, this was not at all what she expected to hear. Her heart sank at his revelation.

"Yes, back in high school. I was actually proud of my stamina at the time," he giggled, not realizing he upset her just then. After seeing the stern look on Y/N's face, he stopped abruptly. "Oops, I'm sorry! I meant in the past, not now!"

She slapped his arm and frowned. "Don't scare me like that!"

He laughed again, gave her a gentle squeeze, and then continued. "I admit, the drug made me want to go again. I was physically ready for it too but I never gave in. I waited until I was alone to take care of the problem myself. I even tried calling you once, in the hopes we could try phone sex, but you didn't answer." He gave her a cute little pout and then kissed the tip of her nose. "Baby, I only had sex with her when I was supposed to. After making a sperm deposit, it was done." He paused and then teasingly added, "But I can't help it if I'm so good that she came twice." That earned him a harder smack in the arm.

"Shut up." She whined but ultimately joined his laughter. It felt good to laugh about it because it helped relieve the tension.

"Seriously though, that increased stamina I had with her was all due to the drugs and not because of any sexual feelings I had for Jane. And even during the worst of it, when she probably gave me the most dosage, my feelings for you still managed to come through."

"What do you mean by that?"

He told her about his decision to stop with the surrogacy plan and how he ended up at a bar where Jane somehow tracked him down. He told her everything that happened that night, up to the part when Taehyung picked him up. "I swear, the whole time we were dancing including when she blew me in the car, I thought I was with you. When I finally looked down and saw Jane instead I was shocked. I remember her saying she'd bring me to you and so I went with her like an idiot. I was so out of it." He clenched his fists at the anger he still felt now, even though he knew he wasn't himself that night.

"Babe, relax please, like you said it was the drugs." Y/N reassured him and clasped their hands together. "The important thing is that you resisted. Even under that brain fog, you resisted her as best you could. I can imagine how pissed off she was after you left her totally unsatisfied." Y/N's laughter quickly brought down his temper and he joined in.

"I still can't help but feel guilty about all the things I did with her, then and now." He confessed.

"I'm not exactly thrilled about it either but like you said, let's stop the blame game. About the past, we weren't together then so you did nothing wrong. I'm not even upset that you thought it was the best sex ever because frankly speaking, I wasn't slutty as she was and I know I was less experienced. We both weren't all that experienced and you never pushed me into doing something I wasn't comfortable with. So yes, we had vanilla sex back then because we didn't know any better. And most likely she drugged you back then too so your feelings then can't be trusted either. As for the present, I believe you when you say that you never crossed lines you weren't supposed to. Lines you mostly drew yourself by the way, not me. You respected me and our marriage even under the hardest circumstances. I love you for that."

"Thank you for being the most understanding wife any man could ever have."

"So unless there's anything else, can we now put all of this behind us for good?"

"That's all there is. I've mentioned everything, at least everything that's important."

"Great! Now if you don't mind, I never want to talk about you fucking that bitch ever again." Y/N then had a sudden thought. "You've been trying for two months to get her pregnant without any luck. What if she was taking birth control all this time?"

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