Chapter 14

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There was a noticeable change in YN after she returned home. She wasn't as talkative or playful as before. He blamed her job because of the long hours she worked. Even though that wasn't the reason, Y/N let him believe it because it was easier than a confrontation. She worked late to avoid him, staying until ten pm every day. When she got home, she talked to him briefly before showering and going to bed. Weekends were for household chores and even more work. She rebuffed all his attempts at any physical connection, except chaste kisses, which left him very frustrated. Finally, when she did allow sex, it wasn't like before. She lacked interest, as if she only did it out of duty to her husband. Her eyes never met his, and when they did, they seemed to be lightyears away. It killed Jungkook to see her acting this way towards him but he didn't know how to bring her old self back.

Jungkook tried getting her to open up and talk about what was really bothering her but all she would say was that work has been very stressful. She reminded him how important it was for her to do well. Jungkook didn't believe this was the real reason, yet he failed to call her on it. He was afraid of what a confrontation would bring because now he was certain it had to do with his relations with Jane. One day, tired of the distance between them, Jungkook dropped by Y/N's office. He wanted to take her to lunch and possibly convince her to spend the rest of the day with him. When he arrived outside her building, he called from the car.

"Hello, babe? What's up?" She said, sounding slightly rushed. He could hear papers shuffling in the background.

"Hi honey, I was hoping to take my gorgeous wife out to lunch. It's been a while since we went. I thought maybe you could spare some time for your husband?" He asked hopefully, glancing down at the large bouquet of her favorite flowers on the passenger seat he'd picked up along the way.

"Oh sorry, I can't today." More shuffling sounds as if she's looking through a stack of papers. "I have an important meeting today and I'm not close to being ready. Can we go another time?" The background noises continued and then a male voice saying something in the background he couldn't quite distinguish.

Jungkook tried to keep disappointment out of his tone before replying. "Yeah, sure. Some other day. If you're busy, maybe I can drop off food for you?" He offered, wanting to see her even if it was only for five minutes.

"Aw, that's sweet but you don't have to go out of your way. I'll probably just grab something here. I gotta go babe. See you at home." She hung up.

"UGH!" Jungkook yelled in frustration and slammed his fist on the steering wheel. "Damn it!"

He thought of all possible reasons why she's behaving like this. Since she returned from her trip, she's been distant. Did something happen while she was away? His mind flashed to Jimin involuntarily. He didn't want to think that Y/N would let anything happen between her and Jimin, but what else was he supposed to think? While he sat in his car, something outside caught his attention.

Y/N was exiting her building with Jimin. She didn't look stressed nor did she look like she usually does when she's at home. She looked quite the opposite, grinning, and smiling at him. They walked towards the parking lot. At some point, Y/N tripped but Jimin's hands were fast enough to catch her and keep her from falling. His hands instinctively wrapped around her waist holding her steady. Jungkook's anger flared when it seemed to him like Jimin held her longer than necessary.

He watched Jimin hold the car door open for her. Jungkook started his car quickly, intent on following them. He drove behind at a discreet distance until they arrived at a popular restaurant. Jimin drove to the valet and Jungkook watched them enter the restaurant. His blood boiled seeing Jimin's hand at her lower back, guiding her in. "She lied to me." He muttered to himself. "I can't believe she lied." Grabbing the flowers, he tossed them out the window and onto the street before putting his car in gear. He drove off, determined not to return to work. "If she can have fun, then so can I."

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