Chapter 19

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Taehyung stood next to the makeshift bar at his friend's mansion checking out the scene. Having just finished midterm exams, he was in a partying mood.

"What's up Taehyung?" His pal Steve gave him a slight tap on his shoulder. "Not drinking today?" He said noting the glass of orange juice in Taehyung's hand.

"Maybe after. Do you have it?"

Steve glanced around then held out his hand for a handshake. "Sure, got you the best stuff too."

Taehyung grasped his hand firmly and the capsule Steve had concealed in it exchanged hands. "This one isn't like the other?" He questioned, noting it wasn't a round pill this time, but a capsule.

"This one is stronger bro. And so much better, less side effects."

He didn't wait to hear anything more. Taehyung popped it in his mouth and chased it down with juice, which supposedly enhances its effects. "Thanks bro. I guess I'll hit the dance floor. You coming?"

"Nah, go ahead. Happy hunting. I'll catch up with you later." Steve laughed.

Half an hour later, Taehyung was fully enjoying himself surrounded by several girls vying for his attention. One in particular got his blood, as well as other things, pumping. She was grinding against him as he held on to her waist, his head tucked into her neck. He was feeling good after taking that pill and he knew from experience that it would fully hit him soon.

"It's hitting me now, what about you?" He whispered into her ear.

"Same." Jane replied back, tilting her head for a kiss. "Touch me." She pleaded before their lips locked together.

Taehyung slid his hands from her waist up to her breasts and squeezed. He was past caring if people saw them. If she allowed it, he'd do her right there on the dance floor. He continued to make out with Jane until he felt another presence next to him. He stopped kissing Jane just in time to see another girl claim Jane's lips. Watching two girls kissing inches from his face was a huge turn on. His boner hurt even more as a result.

"Hey, what about me?" He whined causing both girls to stop and stare at him. This other girl then began to kiss him while Jane moved her lips along his jaw, sucking on his skin. For the next several minutes, he enjoyed kissing both girls together. When he felt two hands groping his junk, he knew it was time to move the party elsewhere. "Let's find an empty room shall we?" He proposed and both girls nodded.

Holding their hand in each of his, he led them to a spare bedroom inside the mansion. The first two he tried was locked and loud moans greeted them on the third. The fourth room was empty so they went in and he made sure to lock the door to ensure privacy.

"I'll be back."

He walked into the en suite bathroom to relieve himself. Because of his present state, it took him longer than usual. When he came out, his eyes met with an unexpected show. Both girls were completely naked and eating each other out. He stripped out of his clothes eagerly, wanting to join the action.

"What does a guy have to do to get some attention?" he muttered causing Jane to look at him. The area around her mouth was wet with the other girl's juices. Kneeling next to the girls, he grabbed Jane by the back of her head and kissed her passionately. The second Jane began to suck on his tongue, he stopped abruptly and gently directed her head lower. "You wanna suck? Then suck on this."


"That's some kinky shit bro." Jungkook said in disbelief. Never did he expect one of his hyungs to do such a thing. "I never knew you are this wild in bed."

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