Chapter 25

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Dr. Park looked at Jungkook momentarily before continuing on. "You were not the father of Jane's baby."

Jungkook was stunned yet again. He hadn't even gotten used to the fact he got Jane pregnant and now he's hearing this. "I wasn't? How do you know this for sure?"

"Jane hated me for what I did and she also hated the baby's father for getting her pregnant in the first place. She always reminded me of it. She mentioned knowing you and Y/N back in high school and the thought came to me that perhaps you were the father because of how she went after you both. So I compared the fetus' blood type with yours and Jane's. It's impossible for you to have fathered that baby."

"I'm told by someone she knew that she slept around during college so it's possible she was that way too in high school. She was so certain it was me though." Jungkook explained.

"How many men she was sleeping with we may never know but there had to be at least one other person besides you. Not that it matters. At least now you know it wasn't your child and hopefully it gives you some peace."

"I wonder who it was?" Y/N wondered out loud.


Seb woke up next to Jane who lay naked on her side facing away from him. He didn't move an inch, afraid that if he did, she'd wake up and move away. His heart ached knowing she didn't have the same feelings for him as he did for her.

They'd known each other for years since high school. He was two years older than her and attended a different school but their paths crossed one day at party when a mutual friend introduced them. He was attracted to her immediately but it wasn't reciprocated. Jane became part of their friend group as the weeks wore on. Every weekend they would all hang out together at a party or some club.

One day things got out of hand after too much drinking. Seb and Jane ended up in bed together. When they woke up the next morning, Jane made it clear that it had only been sex and that she had no feelings for him whatsoever. He was disappointed, but he accepted it nevertheless. Yet Jane keep calling him every now and then to hook-up, thus starting their beneficial friendship.

During those times when they would drunkenly have meaningless sex, at least for her anyway, they got to know one another. They spoke of what was happening in their lives, etc. Which is how he learned of Jane's unrequited love for a girl named Y/N and of her hate for Y/N's boyfriend, Jungkook, whom she envied. Jane always talked to Seb about Y/N. He always believed that if Y/N had returned her love, perhaps Jane would have ended up a completely different person than how she turned out. He knew of Jane's plot to keep Y/N and Jungkook apart after they broke up. He observed Jane trying to make a move on Y/N, But the girl was completely oblivious to Jane's feelings towards her. He saw Jane fill with rage when Y/N reconciled with Jungkook.

Seb remembered Jane calling him one night and asking him to come over. She sounded wasted on the phone so he hurried over right away. Her parents weren't coming home that night because they were house hunting in another city. He tried to get her to stop drinking but she refused. What set her off on this binge was seeing Y/N and Jungkook making out during the lunch hour. She had failed to keep them apart, even after her successful attempts at sleeping with Jungkook. She'd given it to him so good, he remembered her boasting. Seb knew that entailed giving Jungkook a cocktail of pills Jane had experimented with. Yet in the end, he still chose Y/N over Jane.

She cried in Seb's arms that night and before he knew it Jane was kissing him. Seb being madly in love with her couldn't help himself. So even though she was drunk, he let her do whatever she wanted. They had unprotected sex that night because she wasn't sober enough to remember to make him wear a condom. She always made him wear one when they had sex and he always hated it. Just once he wanted to do it with Jane bare and this was his only chance. She'd never know, he told himself. He'd simply pull out in time and that would be that. Except when the time came to withdraw, he was too lost in his pleasure to do it. Instead, he remained inside her until he had spilled all his seeds completely. And boy did it feel good. Little did he know he would impregnate her that night.

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