Chapter 24

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Fully expecting her to try something, Y/N was ready. She blocked Jane's arm with her own and punched her in the face with the other. Jane tumbled backwards onto the floor stunned. "You come after me or my family again bitch and I'm going to put your ass down every time." Y/N yelled, the adrenaline in her body preventing her from noticing the pain in her hand.

"And for your information, Jungkook and I have no secrets from one another. The only reason he reacted that way was because you drugged him. The few times you didn't, he imagined it was me he was doing it with. He needed Viagra with you, but all I have to do is look at him and he's ready to go."

As if to prove her point, Jungkook gave Y/N a passionate kiss that made Y/N's toes curl. "I love you baby," he said aloud. "You're so fucking sexy and badass right now," he added for her ears only.

A dazed and slightly bleeding Jane was hauled up to her feet by Hyungsik who had emerged with his partner from the guest room. He handcuffed her while his partner read her rights. Two more uniformed police officers entered though the front door and took Jane away who was cursing the whole time. Hyungsik's partner excused himself to begin gathering up their equipment. Besides the camera Y/N showed Jane, there were others hidden throughout the home. When Jungkook was getting her water from the kitchen, Jane dropped two capsules in his beer. The whole thing was captured on camera.

"I'm so glad that's over!" Y/N said as relief flooded her body. She hugged Jungkook and rested her head on his chest.

"You won't have to worry about her for a long while." Hyungsik informed them. We got everything recorded, including when she dropped something in your beer. After we test it, I'm sure it will match what she gave Jungkook last time as well as this." He held up his phone and showed them a photo of several bags filled with an assortment of pills. "Jungkook, you did a great job, by the way, pretending to drink that beer."

"Thanks. How did you know she would try to drug me again?"

Hyungsik smiled. "Call it a hunch. It seemed to me like she was getting desperate the other night but somehow you resisted the drugs and escaped her plans. I suspected that if we got her alone with you, she wouldn't hesitate to try again. Then when she texted Y/N and told her to come home immediately, I knew we'd get her. She wanted Y/N to walk in on you both."

"Yeah, she expected Y/N to catch us having sex when we're not supposed to, thereby making me a cheater. Y/N would divorce me, giving Jane exactly what she wanted. Unfortunately for her it didn't turn out like she expected." Jungkook laughs. "So what's in those bags in that photo? You think that's what she gave me?"

"Yes, most likely. We had another team on standby outside her apartment. The second she drugged your beer, I gave the orders for them to enter and search her apartment for evidence. One of the officers found that hidden inside one of her designer handbags in the closet. With this large amount of drugs in her home, not only will she face drug possession charges but also drug distribution charges. Only drug dealers carry this much drugs. This is just a few things she will be charged with. There are more charges that will be determined once we complete our investigation. After all is said and done she could go away to prison for a very long time."

"Thank god." Jungkook felt relieved. Finally this was really over.

"We'll gather up everything here and get out of your hair. You will need to come to the station to make a statement in the next few days. Until then we'll be processing all the evidence we've collected here as well as her house. I'll be in touch."

Once the police left their home, Jungkook pulled Y/N with him to the kitchen and sat her down on the countertop. "Let me take a look at your hand my little slugger." She winced a little when he touched her bruised knuckles. "Oh, sorry! By the way, who taught you how to punch like that?" He brought out a bag of frozen carrots from the fridge and placed it on top of her injured hand.

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