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Jungkook watched Y/N moving around the kitchen preparing some food when he was struck with a desperate need for his wife. His eyes roamed from the back of her shapely legs to way past the point where they disappeared under her dress. The thought of what lay waiting underneath that dress sent sparks down to his dick, making him hard instantly. It didn't help that their intimacy has suffered lately, thanks to life's circumstances. Right now was his chance though and he was going to take it. 

He walked up behind Y/N and started kissing her neck, his hands massaging her sides. "I need you." He practically panted in her ear as he gripped her hips and rubbed the front of his pants against her ass. "Let me fuck you."

"Jungkook!", she squealed in surprise. "We have a lot of guests here!" She put down the plate she was holding and encircled her hands around his neck.

She wasn't lying, there was a full party going on at their house at the moment. All his hyungs and their families; Jimin and his 3-month pregnant wife, Charlotte; and both of their parents were there to celebrate Joonwoo's second birthday. He was their son, born six months after Jane went away to prison.  Dr. Park's words turned out to be true. After seeing a different specialist, it was confirmed that not only was Y/N perfectly capable of conceiving but that there was something else happening.

At their first appointment, what was supposed to be a routine blood test returned something totally unexpected. Y/N was already pregnant. It explained the loss of appetite she had been experiencing, which she originally attributed to stress about the Jane situation. Not willing to risk this pregnancy and given her past miscarriages, Jungkook and Y/N decided she should cut back on work hours and suspend all travel. Luckily her company was agreeable to this. She was able to work from home until she took maternity leave. In the meantime, Jimin was promoted and officially became her second in command at work, taking over the things she wasn't able to do. 

Joonwoo was born perfectly healthy, with a head full of hair and was the exact carbon copy of his father. As he grew up, not only does he look like Jungkook but it seems he also inherited his  father's mischievous attitude. The two often spend their evenings destroying the living room with their rambunctious play, while Y/N prepares that evening's meal. Weekends are spent visiting his grandparents who adores him to pieces. Jungkook's dad especially dotes on him and it makes Jungkook and Y/N very happy that he's still alive and able to know his grandchild. If anything, Mr. Jeon's health seems to have improved somewhat now he has something to look forward to.

As much as Jungkook loves his son, he can't help but feel a little slighted now that he doesn't have Y/N's full attention anymore. Between both their jobs and raising a toddler, finding couple time was difficult since they were usually too worn out to do anything by the time Joonwoo is tucked in bed. Right now though, they had a little reprieve.  Everyone was out in the yard enjoying the party and more importantly Joonwoo was being looked after by so many people. Jungkook was not going to miss his chance for alone time with his wife.

He held Y/N's hand and led her to the bathroom in the hallway. He backed her against the door as he locked it, his mouth eagerly devouring her neck. He placed a hand down between her legs and used his finger to rub her bud. Y/N wanted this too and probably just as bad. She wasted no time in unzipping his pants and gripping his arousal in her hands.

"We have to be quick baby, our guests..." She uttered when she managed to get a breath.

Jungkook spun her around so that they were both facing the mirror.  "I guess it will have to be a fast and hard fuck for now. We'll save the all-night love making for later." He smirked at their reflection. "Get ready baby and brace yourself. It's going to be hard and fast."

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