Chapter 7

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It was dawn when Jungkook was awakened by her gentle touch. The rose-pink tinted sky was visible from the window. Her soft hands slowly caressing his skin from his ankles and up his body. It was he who always woke up Y/N in the middle of the night or early in the morning whenever he felt the need. It is a rare occasion when she does it so he lay there with his eyes closed and relished in it.

Next she nipped at the skin along his inner thigh, leaving marks behind. Her fingers kneading gently, slowly approaching where he wanted them to be. An occasional bite made him hold his breath and the object between his legs throb even more. It strained against the fabric of his underwear, wanting out of its confinement. Her warm breath which he felt through the soft material signaled her close proximity to his awaiting organ, further spiking his desire to new highs.

"Baby, you're driving me insane." He spoke with his raspy morning voice.

Finally, she grasped the waistband of his underwear and tried to tug it down. He lifted himself up so she could take it off. Then her warm hands finally took him in their possession to his delight.

"Baby, please, I need you." His hands found her head and tried to guide her into position. Finally, he got his wish when her warm mouth engulfed him.

She snacked on him as if he were a lollipop. Her head bopped to the sound of his moans. Her name escaped his lips every so often along with a select curse words. Desperately needing more, he held her head in place and took control, plunging himself in repeatedly. Their sinful sounds soon filled the room, enhancing their experience.

"Y/N baby, I'm almost there. Shit, this feels so good," he uttered while continuing his thrusts. His movements grew sloppy as he neared his climax. "Fuck, " he said followed by a loud groan. Fireworks exploded behind his eyes when he reached his high. His seed spilled inside her mouth and she swallowed it all. She released him and crawled up his body, leaving kisses along the way.

"Baby, I love you so much." He said, desperately wanting to place his lips on hers. He opened his eyes finally when she marked his neck. Tilting her chin up, he pulled her up to his face. His heart plummeted to his feet when their eyes met. His body grew cold immediately when he realized they weren't Y/N's.

"Jane! What the fuck!" He pushed her away hard making her fall off the bed. He scrambled for the covers to shield his nakedness from her. "How the hell did you get in here and where's my wife?"

Jane licked her lips with an evil glint in her eyes. "She's has a job interview today, remember? Poor thing was so nervous, I came over to make her breakfast."

"Well you're in the wrong room for that." He angrily spat out. "Get out!"

"I beg to differ. My breakfast was tasty and creamy." Her laughter made him sick.

She stood up and straddled him while removing her top. Her nipple piercings caught him by surprise, making him pause momentarily. This gave her the opportunity to grind herself against his still hard member. She kissed him suddenly, biting his lip in the process. Coming to his senses, he grabbed her shoulders to shove her off when an audible gasp and a mug crashing on the floor made them turn their heads to the sound.

"Jungkook!" Y/N shouted, clearly in shock. Her eyes held betrayal as she looked upon the scene. Her naked friend was on top of her equally naked husband. Jane cackled and bent down to kiss him while Y/N watched helplessly. .

Jungkook bolted upright, his forehead beaded with sweat and his heart pounding. It was still pitch dark outside and Y/N was sleeping next to him, light snores coming from her mouth. Jane is nowhere to be found. It was only a nightmare, he told himself. Moving carefully, he got up to drink some water. He climbed back in bed and snuggled his wife. He loved the feel of her nakedness against his own body and he used that to calm his nerves.

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