Chapter 12

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The rest of the week went very slowly according to Jungkook's point of view. He kept himself busy at work since there was no one to come home to. All his hyungs were busy with their own lives so rather than come home to an empty apartment, he worked a lot of overtime. He didn't want to cook for himself so he ordered food to go but he was getting tired of it. He really missed Y/N's home cooking.

Jungkook could talk to Y/N at the start of her trip but as the week progressed, she grew busier. Phone conversations turned into exchanges of texts or voice messages. He grew frustrated but he kept it to himself so Y/N wouldn't stress over it. She had plenty on her plate to deal with. He was glad when she moved on to the next city because that meant she no longer had to share a suite with Jimin.

"Hi baby." Y/N stared at him on her phone. She looked tired, with dark bags under her eyes. She was in her room at the end of the night, calling him after taking a shower and getting ready for bed.

"Hey beautiful. You look exhausted." Jungkook looked at her worriedly. "Are you getting enough sleep?"

"Some. It's hard to sleep without you next to me." She responded. "But it's also because there's a lot to be done so I've been doing them after getting back to my room."

"Well, maybe you should get some shut-eye then instead of talking to me. Not that I don't want to speak to you but you look like you need rest more than this conversation."

"I actually called to tell you some bad news." She paused briefly. "I have to extend my trip here in London. There's some personnel issues that we need to tend to before leaving. I'm sorry baby. I wish I didn't have to stay longer."

He frowned but what could he do? "I hate it too but it's not like we have a choice, right? It's alright, just do what you need to."

"I know, I miss you so much. Sorry for not calling more than I have."

"I miss you more. I understand though, you've got so much on your plate. If it helps you get your job done faster so you can come home to me, then I don't mind speaking to you not as often."

"You're so sweet. How did I get so lucky?" She chuckled; her eyes were getting droopy.

"Someone looks very sleepy." He noted with a chuckle. She looked adorably cute right now. "Tell me, what are you wearing?"

She moved the phone and dragged it down her body slowly so he could get a good look at what she had on. It wasn't much really, just one of his t-shirts and her black lace panties. The sight of her scantily clad body made him hard instantly.

"Fuck baby. You got me all hard now." He complained.

"What about you, what are you wearing?" She smirked.

"Oh, you wanna see huh?" He did the same thing she did and ran the phone camera over his body as he lay on the bed. He only ever wore boxers to bed so she knew what she was doing when she asked. He heard her gasp on the line when she noticed his prominent bulge.

"Stop right there." She called out. "Take it out and let me see."

"What, is my baby suddenly wide awake?" He teased, switching his phone to his left hand so he could grip himself with his right.

"Yes, I want to see what I've been missing."

Jungkook reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube next to the bed and squirted some on his cock before tossing the bottle on the bed. He slowly stroked himself, making it even harder than before.

"You like what you see baby?" He asked. "Look what your body does to me. Tell me what you'd do to me if you were here."

"Mmm, I'd suck the tip first while rolling my tongue on the slit. I'd let my hands stroke the part of the shaft I can't fit inside my mouth. I'd try to take you as deep as I could trying not to gag. After a while I'd pay attention to your balls and suck on them while continuing to stroke your cock."

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