Chapter 3

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Jungkook lay in bed savoring this moment with his beloved. Y/N was asleep, her head resting on his chest and her arm draped over his body. The sounds of the waves crashing came through the open window, bringing with it a cool breeze. He had just woken up from a short nap after their rigorous romp in bed. They haven't made love since before the last miscarriage and he missed the closeness with his wife. Now that Y/N was finally out of her depression, he took her on this trip so they could reset and get some normalcy back.

He closed his eyes and replayed the sounds of her moans and sighs. The way she screamed his name repeatedly as their bodies collided. The best sex he's ever had is with her. He craved her touch and could never get enough. Just thinking about it made him want to go for another round but he was getting hungry and it was almost dinner time.

"Wake up baby." He whispered while placing tender kisses on her face. He gently caressed her naked back with his fingers, drawing invisible shapes on her skin.

"Mmm hmm." She cooed. "What time is it?" She lifted up her head to look at him.

"It's time for dinner." As if on cue his stomach rolled and made a loud gurgling sound. Had he been with anyone else other than his wife, it would have been embarrassing. That's how loud it was.

"My baby is hungry I see."

She pushed herself up into a sitting position, then twisted around to stretch her back. Her breast dangled just above his mouth tempting him so he playfully nipped at it and sucked the tip into his mouth. Giggling at his antics she tried pushing him off without much success.

"Koo, stop it! Weren't three rounds enough for you this afternoon?" She questioned. His suddenly insatiable sexual appetite didn't really surprise her since it had been a while since they'd last done it. Prior to the miscarriage, they had a very healthy sex life, meaning they did it three to four days a week.

"No. I can't get enough of you. I want more." He stood up quickly and whisked her into the bathroom. The devilish smile on his face was her warning that he had more than a shower in mind.

They enjoyed a romantic dinner overlooking the ocean. It was their last night there before driving home in the morning. Jungkook was thrilled he was able to take some time off work for this mini vacation. Now that she was feeling better, Y/N was going to look for a job. It would be a long while before they are able to do this again. As much as he wanted to take her to some place far away, they couldn't afford it. The best they could do was rent a hotel room by the sea for a few days. It didn't matter where they went because they enjoyed their time together and they really needed this time to reconnect.

The best part for Jungkook was being able to separate Y/N and Jane for a time. To his annoyance, Jane was always at their house. Ever since the night she cornered him in the bedroom, he avoided being alone in the same room with her. He didn't trust Jane because who knew what other terrible things she could do. He felt guilty about not telling Y/N about his past history with Jane. He also felt guilty about letting Jane touch him like that. On one hand, he froze because he was scared of what Jane might do. On the other, he's been sexually frustrated for months for lack of sex and when Y/N finally felt better enough to start touching him again, they were interrupted. Jane touching him like that felt good and his body reacted to it like any normal male would. He hated himself for it but he can't deny that he did enjoy it. He didn't want to think what else could have happened if Jane hadn't stopped herself or if his wife wasn't home. Could he have pushed her away? Would he have been able to resist?

After dinner, the couple took a stroll towards the pier where there were various shops . They spotted an ice cream shop in the distance so that's where they went.

"So, babe I've been thinking. I feel it's time for us to try for another baby." Y/N said carefully. She knew him well and she fully expected him to oppose. But she had a plan.

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