Chapter 5

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Jungkook took Jane upstairs to the empty guest room. Kicking the door closed with his foot, he locked the door with one hand while pushing her against it with his other. Her arms circle his neck while he dipped his lips down to hers, marking her milky skin further. Bringing his knee between her legs, he adjusted her so that her heat rubbed against his thigh. His need for some friction was slightly relieved when he felt her hand rubbing his bulge through his pants. He groaned into her mouth loving the sensations he was feeling. They continued making out against the door but rubbing against his thigh was no longer enough for Jane. She brought his hand between her legs wanting him to touch her there. He could feel her wetness through the lacy material that barely covered her there. Moving the material aside he inserted two fingers at first as far as they could go. Curling his fingers as he dragged them out, he continued his pumping action sending Jane to new heights. When he added a third finger she moaned even louder at the stretch he was causing. It didn't take long for her to reach her first climax, cursing loudly as she released her cream on his fingers. Bringing them to her face, he made her suck then clean before kissing her again and tasting her essence on her tongue.

He pulled her away from the door and quickly discarded their clothes on the way to bed. He kissed her as they fell backwards on the bed fully naked. She gripped his length and stroked him with her soft hands but before he could fully enjoy it, he had the urge to pee. He pushed himself off and quickly went to the bathroom, not bothering to close the door. He tried to pee but it took longer than normal which annoyed him a lot because he wanted to continue what they were doing. When he finally finished his business, he returned to the room and was met with an unexpected sight.

"Fucking hell."

He couldn't take his eyes off the spot where her fingers disappeared into her body. The squelching sound she made with her actions made him even harder if that was even possible. Jane sat with her back against the headboard, legs splayed open in front of her leaving everything on display. One hand massaging her left breast and twisting her nipple while the other furiously pumped two fingers in and out of her juicy slit.

"You started without me." He smirked, his voice deep and sexy. He pumped himself while walking towards her slowly. He slowly approached while licking his lips. "Ride me." He commanded as he lay down.

"Baby, not until we both get a taste." She said wickedly.

She crawled towards him and straddled his face. His mouth touched her folds before she could take him in her mouth. He eagerly took to his meal like he'd been starving for days. Holding her aloft with his hands, his mouth and tongue worked its magic. Alternating between licking and sucking he gave her such intense pleasure. Her loud moaning was muffled by his dick in her mouth. The better he sucked, the better she worked her mouth on him. She took him deep into her mouth without gagging, something she prided herself on. She hummed and the vibrations set his nerve endings alight, nearly making him blow his load a few times. Jane was an expert at edging him because she wasn't ready to have him finish just yet. No, she had other plans in mind.

He stopped his actions and slid her off him so that she lay face up on the bed. He positioned himself between her legs, pushing them wide open and held her down with one hand. He slowly massaged her folds and rubbed circles on her sensitive bud. He replaced his finger with his tongue, licking all around her clit while fucking her with his fingers. Jane squirmed beneath him enjoying the pleasure she was getting. In no time her legs began to shake uncontrollably and she came again. He continued licking her juices until she pushed his head away due over sensitivity. Jane maneuvered herself on top of him and was about to take him into her mouth when he shook his head.

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