Chapter 15

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A few weeks have passed and the situation between Jungkook and Y/N have only worsened. The silence between them was deafening at times. It grew so uncomfortable that they almost preferred to be anywhere else but home. When Y/N told Jungkook she had to go to Japan for work again, he didn't even bat an eye. Well, not exactly.

What happened was he grunted, rolled his eyes, and mumbled something under his breath. This of course irritated her which made her say something inflammatory. Before you know it, they were fighting and Y/N stormed off into the bedroom, leaving him alone. He stayed up watching tv because he didn't want to lay down beside her yet. By the time he did go, she was fast asleep.

She left early the next morning to catch her flight so she was gone when he woke up. Seeing her half of the bed empty and her suitcase missing made his heartache despite him still being mad. He wanted to kick himself for not paying attention to what she said about her trip so he had no clue how long she was going to be gone. Jungkook called her but it went straight to voicemail, which meant she has turned off her phone. He'll try again later so he could properly apologize. He regretted starting this dumb fight because it resulted in them going to bed angry and for the first time, she left without saying goodbye.

"You're a dumbass Jungkook." He told his reflection in the mirror while getting ready for work. The bags under his eyes were proof of his restless sleep. He figured he was up most of the night tossing and turning before finally falling asleep at dawn. Of course, it would be just before his wife left causing him to miss her departure completely.

Meanwhile Y/N was on the plane replaying her own actions and scolding herself as well. She should have woken him up this morning so they could make up. She wanted too but he looked so peaceful after squirming around all night that she decided not to wake him. At least that was her dumb reasoning. She'll will talk to him later, that is if she has any free time on this trip. Glancing at the schedule her assistant provided, that was going to prove difficult.

But the universe wasn't going to make it easy for the couple. She went to Japan because of a lawsuit a former employee filed against the company. As soon as she got off the plane, Y/N was bombarded with requests from their attorneys. She and Jimin had so much work to do, they barely slept five hours every night. As a result, Jungkook's calls were left unanswered. She didn't listen to his voicemails because she assumed, he'd only be more upset because she was ignoring his calls. The last thing she needs right now was more distractions so she let it be. Her heart felt heavy but she hoped he would understand.

Jungkook looked down at her last text message, rereading it for the fiftieth time probably. He gripped his phone tightly, rejecting the urge to throw his phone at the wall. He was mad, but he wasn't mad at her, not really. He was mad at the situation. Not speaking to her for days was driving him crazy.

Sorry I can't talk now. Things are hectic over here with the lawsuit. Let's talk when I get home. Please understand.

He didn't care if she was busy. He was going to keep calling and hope that she picks up the phone. At this point all he wanted was to hear her voice and to tell her he loves her. They can talk about the fight after she got home. He just missed her so much.

He called again on the drive to Jane's apartment. This time the outgoing message said caller not available. That's weird, he thought. Jane messaged him the night before to let him know it was time to start trying again. This is their third month trying and he was starting to stress about it because she's still not pregnant. He knew the longer this went on, the more strain it puts on his marriage. But at least he and Jane were getting along better now.

When he arrived in the parking lot, he called the hotel she stayed at last time hoping that she was staying there again. Luckily, he was right and they connected him to her room. It rang multiple times and to his great relief, she answered.

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