Chapter 23

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After receiving a text from Jungkook informing her that they no longer need a surrogate, Jane went through the roof. All the hard work and energy she had put into this was going to waste and she was not about to let that happen.

"Jungkook, we need to talk." She said the second he answered his phone, not giving him a chance to speak first.

"Talk about what? We said everything we need to say." He scoffed. "Didn't you say you'd support our decision?"

"I did but before you can decide that, you need to have all the information."

"Which is?"

"Meet me and I'll tell you. Come to my apartment."


"You will regret not talking to me. But that's okay, I'll ask Y/N to meet me instead. I'm sure she would love to know what else I have to say."

"Jane you bitch, leave her alone." He yelled. "I swear if you do anything..."

"Meet me and I'll spare her the heartache." She laughed.

"Fine. But I'm not going to your house. Come over to mine, Y/N is at work and won't be home for a while."

"I'll be right over." She hung up and smiled to herself. "You're so easy Jeon." Switching to a different contact, she typed in a text and hit sent. "Now let's see what you do after this."

Jungkook was pacing in his living room, a bottle of beer in his hand. He didn't know what Jane was up to and it made him nervous. Agreeing to meet her was probably the worst thing he could do but he didn't have any other choice. He had to protect Y/N and that was all that mattered to him.

When Jane arrived, he led her to the living room and sat on the edge of the sofa. "Tell me what you have to say and then leave. I don't want you here any longer than necessary." He took a swig of his beer and set it down on the table.

"Wow, such a gentleman you are, offering a lady a drink." She said sarcastically. "I came all the way over here, the least you could do is give me a beverage."

Jungkook scowled at her but stood up anyway. "I'm only getting you one so we can get this over with." A few minutes later, he returned with a glass of water. "Here, I even added ice for you."

"So tell me, what made you both change your minds about having a baby?" She asked taking a sip of water.

"Y/N is no longer comfortable with you and I having sex. We will try other methods to have a baby, none of which requires your participation." He plainly stated. "So as you offered previously, we would kindly ask you to leave us alone from now on." He picks up his beer and takes another drink.

"All I hear is you telling me to get out of your lives. How come Y/N isn't here to say it to my face?"

"Believe me Jane, this is as much her decision as it is mine. And you have your little phone stunt to thank for it." He chuckles as he walks around the room drinking his beer.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Save it Jane. I know you answered my phone on purpose so that Y/N would hear us having sex. I'm never going to forgive you for hurting my love like that. But on the other hand, I'm glad you did it because it finally woke her up and made her realize all this needed to stop. So thank you."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you." She taunts him, taking out her phone from her bag. "What do you think your precious wife would say when she sees this." She plays a video on her phone. It was the video from her car where you can see Jane giving him a blow job and Jungkook clearly enjoying himself. "Something tells me that she'd consider this off limits. All I have to do is show her this and a few other choice recordings I made of the two of us. There's one of me sitting on your face, remember that? Well, okay, true your lips never even touch me unfortunately but the camera angle makes it look like it did. Believe me there are plenty of recordings to choose from. I won't even have to show them all before she believes you and I are having an affair behind her back."

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