Chapter 2

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Several months passed and Y/N is now in a much better place mentally. Most of the credit goes to Jane who has proven herself to be an invaluable friend. In the beginning she provided a distraction from all of Y/N's problems. Over time Jane earned her trust and became her confidant and best friend. Y/N even disclosed her fertility problems, something she rarely talked about.

Jungkook on the other hand was not happy about their friendship. From the moment Jane reentered their lives, he felt uncomfortable around her because of his own selfish reasons. He never thought to tell Y/N about his past with Jane because she wasn't in their lives. He knew he should have told Y/N the second Jane returned but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He loves his wife and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her.

Jane gave him weird vibes and he didn't trust her. She had a nice and friendly demeanor, but he felt she was insincere. To his dismay, Y/N and Jane grew closer together. He knew it was only a matter of time before Jane told Y/N about their past. If it came from Jane, he knew it was not going to be good for him. He had to be the one to tell Y/N, but he feared losing his wife.

"Jane is coming over for dinner tonight babe." Y/N dropped the news as soon as he arrived home.

Internally Jungkook groaned but outwardly he smiled. "Really honey? I thought tonight was supposed to be our movie night?" He whined lightly while hanging up his coat.

"I know babe, but she said she was bored so I invited her to join us. Please?" Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly. When she tried to pull away, he wouldn't let her. Instead he deepened the kiss and let his hands travel down to her ass, giving it a squeeze. Y/N squealed with delight then slapped his hands away.

"Fine, but next time you invite a guest to our date night, please ask me first. I mean think of how much fun we could be having all alone." He tries kissing her again but this time she was able to pry his hands off allowing her to take stand back.

"Whoa, calm your horny self down. She's coming any minute."

"Great, she's coming so I can't cum?" Jungkook glances down at the now prominent bulge in his pants and groans. "What am I supposed to do about this?" He grabs Y/N's hand and places it over his crotch. "Feel what you did to me. You woke the monster up and now he wants to play."

Y/N rolls her eyes at him and laughs. "Go shower and take care of it yourself."

"Baby please. I want you." He pleads and her will breaks.

She allows him to pull her back into his arms. He trails soft kisses along her jaw, something he knows she loves. Her soft moans are music to his ears and encourages him to continue. He caresses her stomach, then slowly moves his hands up to her lace-covered breasts. He lifts the hem of her shirt and ducks his head underneath. His eyes widen at seeing the mounds that lay beneath. Using his hands, he pulls down the cups and the exposure to cold air hardens her nipples instantly. He bites his lip momentarily and then latches his mouth on one of her breasts while massaging the other.

Y/N writhes in his arms as involuntary moans escapes her mouth. Her runs her fingers through his hair while at the same time holding him in place. Her friend's imminent arrival long forgotten.

"Oh, god baby." She utters while arching her body into his.

Jungkook continues his assault on her chest, switching between the two like a hungry baby looking for its mother's teat. He was hungry alright, hungry for his wife. His slides his hand past the waistband of her pants and continues until they touch upon the thin material covering her heat. Moving it aside, his fingers play with her folds. He smiled when he felt her wetness between his fingers.

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