Chapter 16

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Jungkook was enraged. What the hell is Jimin doing in her room at night? He tried calling back but the front desk said that the line was busy. He tried her cell again but it was still unavailable. After some time he gave up and marched up to Jane's apartment all the while rehashing the past few days in his mind. First, he got into a stupid fight with Y/N before she left on her trip. They've not spoken at all since. He's left several voicemails to which her response via text basically said she was busy and that they'll talk when she got home. Now he calls her hotel room and another man answers the phone, out of breath after doing god knows what with his wife!

Jane noticed his mood the second she opened the door to his scowling face. "You do not look happy. What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Everything but I don't want to talk about it. Do you have anything strong to drink?"

"I have whiskey. Is..."

"Perfect! Make it a double." He snapped. He felt a little bad for taking it out on Jane. She didn't do anything to deserve his attitude but he couldn't help himself.

Jane ignored his attitude and assumed correctly that it had something to do with Y/N. Her devious mind raced to see how she could possibly use that to her advantage. She left him in the living room to pour him a drink. Hearing the television turn on, she knew he wouldn't follow her to the kitchen. Quickly getting a capsule, she pulls it apart and drops its contents into the whiskey. Stirring it she made sure it was completely dissolved before bringing it to him.

Jungkook was flipping channels but she could tell he wasn't really paying attention. He took the glass she offered and took a big gulp of the liquor, wincing at the heat it brought to his throat. His mind was still thinking about what Y/N and Jimin were doing in right this moment. He took another swig and hoped the alcohol would soon distract him from his problems.

"Jungkook!" Jane said for the third time, nearly yelling to get his attention. "If you don't want to do this tonight, we can do it another time."

Shaking his head, he replied, "No, you said today is a good day to do it. Let's just get it over with." He grabbed his glass again and finished the rest of the drink.

"Do you want another?" She asked hoping he'd say yes.

"No, I still have to drive home."

She glared at him but he didn't notice. "Okay, I'll be in my room then. Come join me when you're ready. Do what you need to do." She decided to let the pill do its work because nothing she said to him now can overcome his bad temperament. Maybe then he might be more pliable.

Jungkook searched for a sexy film that would get him going and decided on Fifty Shades of Grey. He'd seen it before with Y/N and they had a memorable night afterwards. He sped up to the sex scenes and tried to relax himself. Eventually, he started feeling the familiar stirrings in his groin and slowly a tent started to form in his pants. Turning off the TV, he went to Jane's bedroom where he caught her watching something that sounded like porn on her laptop.

"You ready?" She asked when he entered the room. Glancing down at his pants she noticed the obvious bulge, "Oh, I guess you are."

Jungkook undid his pants while approaching the bed. He wasn't that hard yet so he needed her to help. "Suck me off first." He ordered then dropped his pants to his ankles. He didn't bother to step out of them because he wasn't planning on staying long.

Jane felt the anger rolling off him so she decided to go with it. She didn't mind angry sex, in fact she loved it. Taking him in her mouth, she had him grunting and moaning in no time. She was working him so well that she thought he was finally going to spill in her mouth, thereby prolonging their activities, which is what she wanted. The longer he stayed with her the more she could get inside his head and wreak more havoc in his relationship.

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