Chapter 20

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"I can't believe this!" Y/N exclaimed after hearing everything they had to say about her friend. She was devastated by the betrayal she felt but also filled with fury, "Her friendship has been a lie from the beginning and she's been drugging you!" She looks afraid for Jungkook. "We can't let her get away with this!"

"We won't sweetheart. I'll make sure she pays for every single thing she's ever done to us." Jungkook reassured her.

"That reminds me." Taehyung tossed his empty water bottle to Jungkook. "Here, pee in that and give it to me. I have a contact in the police station. I'm going to tell him the situation, maybe he can help."

"Tae, do you really think he will?" Y/N asked while Jungkook was out of the room.

"If we can prove she drugged him, she could go to jail. Don't worry, we'll figure something out. How are you doing though? You look like you've lost weight. I can't imagine all the stress you've had to deal with."

She shook her head. "It's my own doing. I have only myself to blame because I'm the one who brought her back into our lives. But I'm okay, I just haven't had much of an appetite lately. Every time I try to eat something, I feel sick to my stomach. I know this was my asinine idea but when I think about Jungkook and her having sex, I really want to vomit. I made him do this Tae."

"Don't be too harsh on yourself. Jane probably put the idea in your head somehow." He argued. "She's a lying schemer. She knows exactly how to get inside your head and fuck with it. She's had years of practice doing it to people to get what she wants."

Y/N hesitated before saying, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"You've tried this drug before. Does it make you, um...Sorry, I'm not really sure how to say it." She was embarrassed to ask but she had to know. "How did it make you feel during sex?"

"Honestly, it gave me very intense feelings and sex while on it is incredible. That's why I kept taking them for a while. It makes you feel euphoric and less inhibited too. But none of those feelings are genuine. You need to understand that, okay? Jungkook wasn't himself under their influence. So I don't want you to blame him. Not knowing the drugs were in his system can really be confusing for someone. He could have mistaken what he was feeling while under its influence as actual feelings for Jane. But trust me, it's not real. I know how much he loves and worships you. We all do. Some of us love to tease him about it but it's only because we wish we have what you two have."

"I hear you but it can't help but think he..." She stopped speaking when Jungkook returned to the room.

"Here you go, Hyung." He handed Taehyung the bottle which he'd placed in a paper bag. They exchanged knowing looks before the elder male stood up to leave.

"I'm going to see my friend now. I'll be in touch." He left them alone with nothing but awkwardness between them.

"Baby, you know I only love you, right?" He couldn't help hearing the tail end of her conversation with Taehyung. It worried him that she may have doubts about their relationship after all that's happened. Jungkook approached Y/N so he could hold her but she stepped away from him. Her reaction hurt him but he tried not to let it show.

"A few weeks ago I called you and I heard you fucking her." Y/N confessed. "I've been trying to wrap my head around why you would answer the phone and let me hear all that. Were you trying to punish me for making you do this?"

Jungkook was aghast, not understanding why she would accuse him of this. "WHAT? I would never do something like that. Why would I do that? When?" Y/N wouldn't make up stuff he knew so where did this come from?

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