Chapter 6

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Jane stared at Jungkook not quite believing the words that came out of his mouth. "So, you decided to accept my offer to be your surrogate?"

Jungkook looks at her like she just sprouted a second head on her shoulders. "Are you crazy? I don't want to have a baby with you. No way in hell!"

"You're not making any sense. You just said..."

"I said, I'll fuck you," he cut into her sentence. "Look, we both know what you're after so don't play dumb. I see you sneaking looks at me when Y/N isn't paying attention. The stunt you pulled in my bedroom is proof enough that you want me in your bed. But newsflash, I am madly in love with my wife. No one and I mean no one is ever going to replace her. Especially not you!"

"Then what's your fucking point?" She snapped. The rage within her was suddenly at a boiling point but she fought herself and stayed in control. Screaming at him further wasn't going to get her what she wanted. 

"I will give you what you want. I'll have sex with you one last time under two conditions. First, you will disappear from our lives forever after its done. Second, this deal stays between us. Y/N can never know about this."

Jane begins to laugh uncontrollably. "You have me all wrong sweetheart. I don't want to sleep with you. Not that sex with you is bad. Actually, from what I remember, you are pretty damn good in bed. But I am doing this because I want to help my friends achieve their dream of having a baby. You guys can't afford anything else right now so the only option is to make a baby the natural way."

"Yes, you only have good intentions." Jungkook rolled his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I don't trust you."

They have a staring contest for a few minutes, neither one wanting to lose. Finally, Jane looks away and shrugs. "Fine, think what you will. It doesn't change the fact that you will agree to my offer. You and I are going to make a baby. Once it's born Y/N can adopt it and you both can raise it together. If you still want me out of your lives at that point, I will leave."

"What part of I don't want your baby did you not understand?" He bristled. Jane sauntered over until she stood directly in front of him. She lifter her arm, planning to run her hand down his chest but he quickly stepped away and out of arms length. 

"Your wife desperately wants this baby. She's going to get what she wants if I have anything to say about it." Jane picked up her phone and pulled up the voice recording she made of them. "If you don't agree to it, your wife will hear this." She pushed play on her phone and watched his face morph from shock to fear then finally, fury.

"Unfortunately for you, this sounds like you're cheating on your wife. You wouldn't want her to leave you now do you?" She laughed mockingly. The software available these days makes it easy to fake a lot of things using just a little bit of actual content.

"You bitch, she's never going to believe this." He shook his head in denial. "You think she will believe you over her own husband?" He feigned bravado but he knew she had him over a barrel.

"Who has been by her side all these months, huh? Who got her out of her depression? While you were busy working, I was with her, helping her. I was someone she confided in. And I and the one who gave her a solution to her problem."

"She's going hate you too when she hears this. Or are you forgetting you're also on this recording?" He smirked.

"Here's the thing, she trusts me. I'll tell her you pressured me into it because of our past relationship. She's going to wonder why you kept it secret from her this whole time."

Jungkook's eyes flared with deep hatred. "You're out of your mind! It was never a relationship. You were just some girl I fucked to try and forget my problems. Also, Y/N and I were broken up at the time so it wasn't even cheating."

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