Chapter 4

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Jane was comfortably sitting on the couch, a glass of wine in one hand while grinning down at her phone on the other. She was close to getting what she wanted. By now Y/N should have told him already. She knew he would be against it, but it didn't matter. He'll agree to it because he has no other choice. He just didn't know it yet.

Jane leaned her head back and listened to the clip again. Images from that night are still fresh in her mind. Quick, heavy breaths mixed with grunts and sexy moans coming out of his mouth. He loved what she was doing to him. Suddenly Jane heard her own voice. You love this baby, don't you? I'm dying to have a taste. He moaned again before Jungkook grunted, Fuck.

He played right into her hands. If Y/N heard this she would know how much pleasure her husband was getting from her close friend. The recording didn't even require much editing because he made the sinful sounds himself. Y/N would be devastated and he loves her too much to see her hurt. He will agree to this deal or else Y/N will learn of this. You're mine Jungkook.


Jane was at her locker pretending to look for something when in fact she was waiting for her crush of two years to arrive. Jane was too shy to confess her feelings because she feared rejection. She merely stood on the sidelines for years, observing everything quietly. Until the day arrived when she decided to do something about it. Today was that day.

Jane looked to the entrance just as Jungkook appeared, casually walking down the hall bearing a huge smile on his face. He walked to his locker across the hall from Jane's and began to organize his things. Some of his friends showed up and they started talking in hushed tones. The two boys were obviously teasing him, but they were just far enough so that Jane couldn't make out what they were saying. The doe-eyed boy's embarrassed laugh echoed throughout the halls attracting more eyes towards him, especially from girls.

Suddenly all three boys swiveled their heads when four girls came in. They kept walking until they also stopped at Jungkook's locker. Chatter amongst the seven friends erupted as they greeted one another. This was the most popular clique at the school. Beautiful, smart, friendly, and beloved by all students. The five-minute warning bell rang so they scattered, leaving only Jungkook and Y/N behind.

Jane couldn't hear their whispers, but she saw the flirtatious looks and the close proximity of their bodies. Jungkook removed his leather jacket and placed it over Y/N's shoulders. With one hand resting on the locker and the other caressing her face, Jungkook leaned in for a kiss. Y/N's hands went around his neck, holding him close while they made out. After separating, Jungkook held her hand and walked to class, completely oblivious to everything around them. Neither noticed the quiet girl across the hall whose tears started flowing at the sight of them kissing.

In a jealous rage, Jane took the folded letter out of her pocket and ripped it to shreds before throwing the pieces in the trash. It had taken days to compose the letter in which she confessed her love yet only seconds to destroy it. She wiped her face and sullenly walked to class. There Y/N sat in her seat chatting with Jungkook who was perched on the desk holding her hand. Jane went to her assigned seat quietly while trying not to let the couple make her feel worse.

"Mr. Jeon, kindly take your seat please." The teacher said when the class bell rang.

"Sorry Mrs. Park." Jungkook apologized before taking his seat two rows over.

By the time lunch came around, the news that Jungkook and Y/N were officially dating was all over campus. Apparently two nights prior at a party, Jungkook was dared to kiss his crush. So, in front of everyone, he kissed an unsuspecting Y/N. Nevertheless, she returned his kiss and they spent the rest of the party at each other's side. Turns out she had a crush on him too and now they were a couple.

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