Chapter 10

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After watching the happy couple have sex in the living room, Jane left in a fury. She didn't want to watch but she couldn't help herself. She saw them expressing their love to one another intimately, their most private moment observed by another without their knowledge. It irritated Jane that despite her attempts to sabotage their relationship, they remained stronger than ever. Immediately after arriving home, she poured herself a shot of whiskey. Sitting on the couch, she remembered the past.


"May I sit here?" Jane asked the long-haired girl sitting at the table with the only available seat in the library.

The girl looked up, nodded, and only offered up a small smile. "Sure." She scooted her belongings that had been spread across the table to her side. She had been staring out into space not even remotely aware of her surroundings until Jane stopped by.

"Thanks." Jane acknowledged. "You seem upset, are you alright? I'm Jane by the way."

"Nice to meet you Jane. I'm Y/N." She studied the girl who now sat across from her. Jane wore no make-up and wore glasses that seemed too big for her face. She carried a plain black backpack which seemed to hold a lot of books.

"I know, we're in the same history class."

"Gosh, I'm sorry!" Y/N cringed at her mistake. "I don't know why I didn't realize that before. I thought you looked familiar."

Jane laughed lightly. "Well, if I'm being honest, your boyfriend seems to keep you preoccupied most times. So, it's understandable."

Y/N's face turned a slight shade of pink causing her to look away as she added, "Well that won't be a problem anymore." The icy venom in her tone surprised even her.

"Well, ok then." Jane replied awkwardly and began taking items out of her backpack to place on the table.

"I'm sorry if I sound bitter. It's been a tough week. I, uh, broke up with my boyfriend." Y/N's lip quivered and tears filled her eyes quickly. She pressed her fingers into her eyelids to prevent the tears.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Jane sympathized. "You poor thing, no wonder you seem upset lately."

That was the beginnings of the friendship between one of the most popular girls and the loner of the school. Y/N had been avoiding her friends because they were also friends with him. If she didn't want to be around her ex, she had to stay away from their friends at school too. Whenever their friends contacted her, she told them she needed time to herself to get over him. She assured them that she would start hanging out with them once she did that. Right now, she wasn't ready to face Jungkook. They respected her wishes so they left her alone.

Meanwhile, befriending someone who liked to keep to themselves was just what she needed. Jane knew places at school where they could hang out without being bothered by others. Afterschool they either went to Jane's house or some hole in the wall coffee shop that no one from their school went to. In short time, they became good friends and Y/N started feeling happier. Still, a large part of her still missed Jungkook like crazy. She still loved him as much as she ever did. Without intending to, Y/N was using Jane as a distraction from him.

To her credit, Jane never mentioned Jungkook to Y/N. The only conversation they had about him was when Y/N explained why they had broken up because Jane had asked. To Y/N, Jane had become her escape and savior. She was the friend Y/N could rely on when she pushed everyone else away. Unfortunately, Y/N never knew the truth. Jane had a hidden agenda all along and she was playing both sides for her own purposes.

Jane only brought Y/N to out of the way places where they wouldn't be seen together by people they knew. She wanted to keep their friendship a secret for her own purposes. She especially didn't want Jungkook knowing about it or else her plan could fail. Jane isn't as innocent as she seems and in fact, the real Jane wasn't anything like she pretends to be at school.

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