Chapter 13

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If anyone told Jungkook that he would become friends with Jane he would have laughed in their faces. No they weren't friends yet but they seemed to be headed that way. He had spent so much time being angry with her that it seemed impossible that such a thing would happen. He now understands that most of his anger stemmed from his own guilt about not telling Y/N about his past with Jane. He wanted Jane to keep distant from them both so that Y/N never finds out. But Jane doing the exact opposite just fueled his anger towards her.

But ever since they had that talk at his company, he decided to give her a chance to prove herself to them both. He did not trust Jane yet but he was willing to try. If Y/N's decided that Jane is worth her friendship, then maybe he could do the same. That night, they had a nice dinner together in her apartment. He kept his guard up because he really did expect her to try to seduce him. But the only thing she did was provide him a homecooked meal and a pleasant conversation. By the end of the evening, he had learned a few things about her and he felt like they made progress with their new friendship. He thought that if they could achieve cordiality between them, then perhaps there would be less stress and the pregnancy would happen a lot faster. If his wife trusts her, then he should too right?

This time when it was time to have sex with Jane again, he didn't just come over to do the deed and leave. He actually arrived early enough for them to have dinner together. She cooked again because Y/N still hadn't returned from her business trip. Since there was no work the next day, Jungkook wasn't in any hurry to return home. In fact, he needed a distraction because he hadn't been able to speak to Y/N for days. They've only been exchanging text or voice messages. So after dinner they sat down to watch a movie, just to relax before getting down to the business at hand.

Jane being Jane, of course had everything planned out. Her being nice and friendly with Jungkook was just an act. She knew her earlier approach wasn't working with him so she had decided to try different methods. Like a fool, he started to drop his guard around her slowly. Maybe it had something to do with his wife not being home. Or maybe it had something to do with Y/N's handsome co-worker, whom Jungkook happened to mention once or twice. The way he subconsciously clenched his fists when talking about Jimin gave his true feelings away, even though he was not saying anything bad about him. Jane of course, made good use of this knowledge by subtly mentioning how Y/N seems to really like Jimin and how helpful he is. This only fueled Jungkook's resentment of the man he's yet to meet.

Jungkook sat down on the couch with his bowl of popcorn while Jane sat on the other chair, purposely keeping her distance. She was bidding her time, for when the drug she secretly mixed with his meal to take effect. In time, he would come to her and she will be ready. During the movie she sneaked glances at him and about halfway in, she started to see tell-tale signs that he was starting to be affected. Excusing herself, she went to her bedroom to change into some comfy pajamas, totally the opposite of what he might expect from her.

Jungkook was so engrossed in the horror film that he didn't notice the physical changes happening within himself. Even if he had noticed his heart pounding and his excitement rising, he would blame it on the movie and not the powerful drug circulating his bloodstream. Jane left the room a few minutes ago and just then an unexpected love scene came up which made him stiffen in his seat. His throat felt dry suddenly making him reach for his water. He felt himself getting harder as he watched and he was glad that Jane wasn't back yet. The scene ended to his relief but he remained hard under his pants. He placed his hand on top of his bulge, slowly caressing it, but took his hand off when he heard Jane returning. Little did he know she was watching him the whole time, thanks to the hidden camera she had in the living room.

Jane changed into a loose silk pajama set. Although she was fairly covered up, the coldness in the room made her nipples pointy and clearly obvious against the soft silk. His internal stirrings coupled with Jane's presence near him made it difficult to focus on the rest of the film.

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