Chapter 8

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It was afternoon by the time Jungkook woke up the next day. But it was okay since it was the weekend and he doesn't have to work. The first thing he noticed was his throbbing head. Y/N left water and pain pills for him by the bed so he drank those. He groaned in disgust when he remembered he never cleaned up after last night. He immediately got up and showered to remove all traces of Jane off his body. Thinking of what happened made him almost throw up but he held it together. He finished getting dressed and walked to the kitchen where  Y/N stood over the stove cooking something. He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her slim waist, whilst leaving a kiss on her cheek. He did not miss her small flinch upon his touch, but he chose to ignore it.

"You didn't wake me up babe." He said turning her so she could face him.

"I figured you could use all the rest you can get. How's your headache?" Lifting her palm she cupped the side of his face gently.

"Better thanks to the medicine you left for me. It will be even better once I get a kiss." He puckered his lips and waited for her to kiss him.

"You're such a baby!" She laughed, reaching up to peck his lips quickly. "Sit down and eat this hangover soup I made you."

"I don't deserve you." He said seriously, effectively changing the playful mood in the room. "I really, really love you. I hope you know that." He tightened his hold on her as if to prove it.

"I know baby, I know." She paused a moment before connecting their foreheads, "I love you too."

Jungkook heard the small break in her voice when she said that. He looked down to see tears filling up her eyes. "Babe, no. Shh, don't cry. It's okay, we're okay." He consoled her. It didn't take a genius to understand how she may be feeling today.

She disentangled herself from his arms and prepared a bowl for him. "Sit down and eat."

"Have some with me." He offered.

After she placed the bowl down in front of him, he pulled her to sit on his lap, taking her by surprise. He got a spoonful and blew air into it before feeding her. He fed himself the next spoonful and for the rest of meal, he fed them both. When finished, he dragged her to the couch and made her lay on top of him.

"Listen, babe. I know you're curious as to what happened with Jane and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. But if you don't want to know details, that's okay too. I want you to know that I imagined it was you the entire time. I swear, I never even looked at her. You've got nothing to worry about, okay? I love you and no one is going to change that."

Y/N smiled with relief, feeling slightly better. "I'm glad to hear that. But why did you go out to drink? You said you'd come home right away and I got worried when you didn't even call me."

Jungkook didn't know what to tell her. He thought she'd ask more about the actual act itself and was prepared for that. But he wasn't prepared for what she did ask. He felt guilty immediately after being with Jane but what surprised him was the anger and resentment he felt towards Y/N. They didn't have to go this route but she chose their path. She could have stopped all of it but she didn't.  He didn't think she was ready to hear this and if he brought it up, he was afraid it would just cause a fight. So he chose to keep silent.

"I just needed to process it all in my head, I guess. I'm sorry I should have called to tell you. I wasn't intending to stay there long but as soon as I got to the bar and had my first drink, I just kind of zoned out. I know we both agreed to this but I can't help feeling guilty. I feel like I'm betraying you."

"No, no babe. Please don't feel guilty. It's more like I forced this on you. So, if anyone should feel guilty it's me. But it'll work out in the end I'm sure. Fingers crossed your little guys do their work quickly and one of them hits the jackpot," she laughs trying to lessen the seriousness of the moment.

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