Chapter 1

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I'm such a complete nincompoop. Accidently deleted my chapter 1. ugh. FML lol


Isabelle’s POV

 “He’s hot.” Mandy commented, waving a hand in front of her as if fanning herself off.

“And you can tell that just by checking out his backside?”

She nodded quickly. “Of course. See those muscles under that green shirt? That means the front isn’t so bad either. And that gorgeous hair is to die for. So he must be hot.”

I snorted. “Sure. Whatever you say. Well, go talk to him then.”

“No way!” She shouted, catching the attention of a few people. Shouting in a bar this quiet is never good.

“Why not? You have the hots for him, right? Unless,” I raised an eyebrow. “You’re too chicken.”

“No I’m not.”

“Right.” I smirked devilishly and turned to the man she was checking out. His back was still turned. “Excuse me, sir. In the green t-shirt—“

Mandy hastily cover my mouth with her hands. “Alright. I’m a chicken. Stop telling the whole world.” She laughed softly with a sigh. “You’re so lucky he didn’t turn around yet. I would have killed you.”

“You could’ve tried to kill me. I would get the cops all over you in a second.” I grinned.

“How can you when you’re dead?”

“Then I’ll just have to haunt your ass.”

She laughed again. “Of course you would. Can you go talk to him for me then? You’re much better with guys than me. You get along more with them.”

I shrugged. “Sure. Well, here I go.” I stood up and walked her to the man, taking a seat casually beside him. I couldn’t see who he was because his face was resting in his palms, but it wasn’t like it was a must.

I leaned back on the seat. “Hey, I’m Isabelle.” I started. When he didn’t speak, I took that as an invitation to continue. And continue I did. At least, loud enough for Mandy to hear. “My friend over there thinks you’re hot. You know, like spicy jalapenos. Hopefully, you can go talk to her so she wouldn’t brutally murder me like she spoke about just moments ago. Then you guys can go on a date. Hey! Maybe even get married and have kids.”

Would have kept going if I didn’t see him start vibrating. Like, he was moving up and down. Either he was having a bad dream, laughing, or …masturbating? “Excuse me, sir. Are you, uh, masturbating?” This just made him shake harder, but with…laughter this time? I put a hand to my chest and let out a deep breath. Thank god, he wasn’t masturbating. That would have been disturbing on my part, but embarrassing on his part.

“Is…that…how…you…always…talk…to…guys?” He asked between his fits of laughter.

I scrunched up my face in confusion. Was it wrong to talk to guys like that? “Yep.”

He picked up his head and turned to me, all the while still laughing. But when I saw his face, I had to take a double take. Could it really be him? He stared at me the exact same bewildered way. “Asher? Ash Ketchum?”

He scratched the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. “I see you still call me that, Izzy.”

“Of course I do.” I hopped off the chair and threw my arms around him. “How are you? I just can’t believe it’s really you.”

He laughed. “I can’t believe it’s you either.” Once I let go of him, I sat back down and we looked over eachother. He swiftly brought a hand up to my face and brushed off a stray strand of hair from my face. “You look a lot different.”

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