Chapter 28

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Sorry this upload took a couple of days. I couldn't think of anything to write. I just woke up this morning with this idea and I was like 'write it down before I forget'! xD

so, yeah.

enjoy :)



Chapter 28

I glanced at Seb when he emerged from the bathroom, then turned back to my phone. “Where’s Oliver? Why isn’t he here yet?” I asked as I scrolled down the list for male strippers for Amber’s bachelorette party. How about a midget stripper? Maybe that’ll piss her off, I laughed to myself.

“I don’t know. Maybe still at home.” Seb muttered.

“Are you serious? The party starts in about two hours. I told him to be here early to get ready.” I sighed. It’s just like him to not listen to instructions. Maybe I should go and get him. “Where’s he live?”

Seb shrugged. “How would I know?”

 “I don’t know either…”How do none of us know where he lives? I frowned and decided to ask Mandy who was in the kitchen making us something to eat. “Mandy! Where does Oliver live!?”

“I don’t know! Try Facebook!” She shouted back at me.

“Oh! That’s so true! Thanks!”

“You’re welcome!”

I opened a new internet page and quickly went to Facebook. Seb came over to me on the couch, leaning over to get a look at Oliver’s Facebook. When I opened his page, he chuckled. “That’s the worst picture possible of Oliver.”

I grinned, getting a chance to look at the picture. It was a picture of Oliver asleep, his mouth hanging open and everything. He looked pretty adorable. Like the twelve year old I though he was. “Aww. I think it’s pretty cute.”

“You think that’s cute?” Seb questioned.

“Yep.” I grinned and clicked the ‘info’ option. “Okay. Found his address. I’m going to pay him a little visit really quick.”


“Wait!” Mandy yelled out, storming into the room. “I made some sandwiches! Peanut butter and jelly for Seb and jelly sandwich for you Izzy since you’re allergic. Plus, you’ve always like the jelly more.”

I jumped off the couch and hurried to pick up a sandwich. I was starved. “Thanks Mandy!” I told her, taking a big bite of my sandwich.

“You’re welcome.” She grinned and went over to Seb to give him his sandwich. He smiled adoringly at her and thanked her with a kiss.

“Oh. Speaking of peanuts,” I started, taking another bite of my sandwich. “Did I forget to mention that I had an allergic reaction last night?”

Seb and Mandy whipped their heads at my direction. “You had another reaction?” She asked.

“Yeah. It wasn’t that bad really. Only fainted.” I laughed, remembering the laughing gas situation. “And the funny thing was—“

I nearly choked on the piece I was chewing at how fast and tight Mandy wrapped her arms around my waist. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

I smile slowly faltered at the fear in her voice. I didn’t mean to scare her. “I had forgotten.”

“That’s not something that you just forget, Iz.” Seb grumbled from beside me.

“I’m…sorry.” I apologized, squeezing Mandy tight. “I didn’t think anyone would care that much. It was just a reaction.”

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