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Isabelle’s POV

“I’m going to miss you guys terribly.” I pouted.

Mandy pulled me in for a hug and laughed away her tears. “We are too.”

“Can’t you guys come to Florida with us? It would make everything so much easier.” I suggested.

She let me go and thought for a moment. “I’d love to go, but I don’t know about Seb though.”

“Force Seb to go!” I cried.

“Force Seb to go where?”

I couldn’t help the smile that broke out onto my face when Seb came into the room. It’s amazing how mature I found Seb to be after everything that went on. At first, he was a dumbass who I didn’t at all like too much. But eventually, he grew on me. Showed that he’s less than an asshole I thought he was.

“To go to Florida.” I smiled.


“Ash and I are moving there.” I informed him. “The Strapp Industries is located over there, so there’s no choice but to move there.”

“But do you want to move there? Or does Ash?”

“What do you—No, no, no. We both want to go.” I assured him. Actually, I wouldn’t mind staying here. It’s rather comfortable here in New York.

“Are you sure?” He pressed.

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “Gosh. You became like such a big brother. Even though you have a sister of your own.”

“Speaking of your sister,” Mandy started and grabbed Seb and my hand. She pulled us towards the front door. And what I ended up finding lit up my whole face.

Lance and Amber making out on the sidewalk.

“They’re back together?” I asked. “But…how?”

Mandy grinned up at Seb. “While Sebby was talking to Ash, I left to talk to Lance. I knew how depressed you were over breaking the both of them up and I hate seeing you that way.”

I smiled warmly at her and hugged her again. “Thanks, Mandy. I love you.”

“I love you too.” She squealed.

I glanced at Seb who was standing behind us rather uncomfortably. Once I let go of Mandy, I surprised Seb with a hug of his own. “Thanks for everything, you big goof. I, unfortunately, love you too.”

“That’s a very rude way to appreciate someone, Iz…” He mumbled.

I pinched his side. “Say you love me too!”

“Stop. You’re being—“

Say it!” I shouted, pinching him again.

“Fine! I love you too Izzy!” He screamed, pulling away from me with a grin. He lifted up his shirt to peek at his side where I had pinched him. “That’s going to leave a bruise.”

Mandy took Seb’s hand in hers and entwined their fingers. “Well, I’ll kiss it away later. Okay?”

“Okay.” Seb smiled down at her.

“Lance!” I waved my hand in the air frantically to get his attention.

He pulled away from Amber at the sound of my voice and turned to me with a grin. Amber, by the way, was blushing. “Hey, Iz! We’re here to say bye!”

I put a hand to my ear as if I couldn’t hear him. “What?!”

“We’re here to—“


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