Chapter 25

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Finally uploaded! Yay!

Sorry it took me a couple of days to put this chiz up, but I had writer's block again. Like I seriously wrote three pages of nonsense over this story and deleted it cuz it made no freakin' sense!

Ugh. Writer's block gives me headaches...

Anywho, enjoy :)



Chapter 25

Isabelle’s POV

I searched the tables the outside tables in front of Kay’s Restaurant for Lance. He had told me to meet him out here to tell me about what Amber had said to him. To tell you the truth, I’m not even completely sure I’m at the right place.

When I finally spotted him, I went over to him with a glare.

“Hey, Izzy. Looking grumpy as usual, I see.” He smirked.

“Why didn’t you just tell me where you were going to be like any other normal person?” I demanded and took a seat across from him.

“Now, where would the fun be in that?” He teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Dumbass. So, what did Amber say?”

“She said no.”

“Should’ve seen that coming.” I muttered.

“Then we got in an argument and then onto the makeup sex.”

“Ew. Too much info, Lance.”

He rested his elbows on the table and leaned towards me. “Not too much since you’ve already seen me naked plenty of times.”

I groaned and jumped to my feet. “Since you’re not exactly any help anymore, I’m leaving. As usual, it’s always a pleasure to see you, idiot.”

“Wait, Iz.”

I turned around to find Lance’s daily smirk on his face finally wiped off. He looked worried about something which I don’t usually see with him. I came over towards him, my brows knitted together. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just,” He ran a hand over his face. “Don’t go too hard on Amber, okay? I mean, I don’t want her with that Ash guy any more than you do at this point. Just don’t hurt her.”

Hurt her?” I asked in disbelief. “You think I’m going to try and kill her?”

“No!” He chuckled. “I know you’re not that violent. I meant emotionally hurt her.”


“I know you think that she’s bad news, but she really isn’t. At least not with me. And I doubt she’s just putting on a front.”

I stared at him skeptically. “Ah, I see what’s going on here.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re falling for her.” I laughed when he blushed. “It’s obvious now! You’re falling for Amber!”

“I’m not falling for anyone.” He hissed, trying to force me to quiet down as we caught a couple of curious eyes. “Of all people, I thought you knew I never stick to only one girl.”

“But you stuck to me for almost half a year.” I retorted. “So that doesn’t even mean anything.”

“I stuck with you because you were a good fuck.” He said loud enough for everyone around us to hear. Paybacks a bitch.

I slipped back into the chair and leaned closer to him so I could talk to him in a hushed tone. “But I doubt that’s why you’re still with Amber. I mean, how long have you guys even been, you know, dating?”

“Maybe about three months.”

“Wait. I thought that Ash and Amber just came from Florida like two months ago? So…”

He sighed. “Yep. We’ve been dating even in Florida.”

Damn. Amber’s been cheating for that long?

“Wow. Well, that’s more than any other girl you told me about.” I pointed out. Before he tried to retort, I added, “Except me. The ‘good fuck’.”

He snorted.

“I just want to say that I’m happy for you guys. I mean, yes Amber is hurting the man I love by cheating on him. And yes, you lead me to believe that Amber is actually nice behind the scenes. But you two clearly seem like you balance eachother out, you know? Like you’re both complete assholes and—“

Izzy.” Lance warned, glaring at me.

I chuckled. “And you both are slowly making eachother a better person.” I finished. “I just hope the relationship you guys have might happen for Ash and I.”

“It will. Don’t worry.” Lance assured me.

“Sure.” I mumbled.

Ash’s POV

I flipped through the pages of the magazine again, making sure I saw it all correctly. Her in her tight black swimsuit setting the most sexiest poses that could turn anyone on, male or female, if they looked through it.

How did I not even know that she modeled in the first place? It’s not like she ever told me. And shouldn’t I know about these things since I’m the next heir to my father’s company?

Flipping to another page, I saw her modeling with someone that looked familiar. “Lance.” I muttered when I realized who it was. Lance is one of the male models that sometimes comes by to work for my father. But he jumps around form state to state a lot so he rarely even comes anymore.

By the way the two of them were posing together, it seemed like they were a real couple. And for some reason, that pissed me off. I have no idea why. I guess it was because I knew how people like Lance worked. They sleep with any model they come across just for the heck of it. And I didn’t want Izzy to be one of his toys that he plays with.

I wouldn’t let him.

Isabelle’s POV

“They seriously made you pose with a snake?!” I exclaimed, roaring with laughter. “You’re scared shitless of snakes!”

“Yeah. Still am.” He chuckled, taking a sip of his Reese’s Smoothie as we walked. “You want some?”

“No.” I stepped away from his outstretched hand quickly. I was deathly allergic to peanuts. And the symptom could be anything. And I mean anything. Like the one time my dad left out peanuts when I was like two and like an idiot, I ate some. A couple minutes later, I was swollen like a tomato. Or another time when ate some cake at a friend’s birthday party. Threw up everywhere. It’s not my fault the girl didn’t tell me she added some peanuts into the mix…

He pulled at my arm and pulled me back towards him teasingly.  “You know you want some, Iz.” He cooed, sticking the straw into my mouth.

I shoved him away quickly, rubbing at my mouth furiously. “Lance! I’m—“

I could feel my throat start to clog up and coughed out a few times. My knees buckled, causing me to fall to my knees.

Then before I knew it, I was out like a light.


Vote and comment plz! You guys are bringing me up that what's hot list and i'm hoping you will continue. Thanks :)

Have a great day!

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