Chapter 3

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Okay I'm really taking an interest in this story of mine, guys. And I really wanna see how far I can take this. So if I don't upload 'Knowing Motives' and 'Fallen' by sometime this week, its cuz I'm trying to upload this one.

oh and pic of the new character shown in this chapter, Sebastian :)------------>

Anywho, enjoy!



Chapter 3

 Isabelle's POV

“I feel like Cameron Diaz off of Charlie’s Angels.” Mandy grinned, offering a hand out to me.

I took it and together we hauled me over the fence. We fell in a heap on the ground. I mentally hoped the crash didn’t alert anyone. “And I guess I’m Drew Barrymore, right?”

“Duh. You’re exactly like her.” Mandy stood up and brushed herself off. I did the same and walked over to the back door. My eyes went wide when I saw the lights on. I could’ve sworn they weren’t on before.

“Why are the lights on?” I asked her. Then I noticed a shadow through the curtains. Before we could duck the door swung open, bright lights pouring out into the night. So much for not going to jail.

“Who are you two?”

Mandy and I squinted from the bright lights in the house and tried to focus on the person who had just spoken. “Whoa. He’s hot.” Mandy muttered to me.

“Mands, now isn’t the time to check out a stranger!” I hissed at her. “See, I told you we’re going to jail.” I turned to the man, finally getting a look at him. He had a short dark hair and the bluest of eyes. He only had on boxers and a rumpled white t-shirt. Isn’t this supposed to be Amber’s parent’s house? What is he doing here? “Wow, he is hot.” I agreed.

“I told you.”

I shook my head. God, we are so dead. Why did I have to listen to Mandy? I could’ve just killed Amber and had Ash all for myself. Wouldn’t that have been so much simpler? “Let me handle this, Mandy.”


I cut the man off while shaking my head, trying to rid of my previous thoughts. “Okay, I know what this looks like.”

The man crossed his arms over his chest defiantly. “It looks like two girls are trying to break into my parent’s house and failing miserably.” He grinned. Wait…He’s Amber’s brother? From the nudge Mandy gives me, I noticed she realized that too.

I remembered what we were wearing and sighed. Of course we do. We’re dressed in black tights and black sweaters with a black beanie. “Well, that’s where you’re wrong. We were just…” I took a moment to think. Smirking, I pulled the beanie off my head. “Ah, there it is! I found my favorite black beanie!” I beamed. “I thought I left it in your backyard. You know its pretty windy these days. But I just can’t believe it was on my head the whole darn time! Now isn’t that something?”

“You’re a very bad liar, little girlie.” He smirked. “Just tell me why you’re really here.”

“I’ll show you little girlie,” I advanced towards him, balling my hands into fists. “Listen here, bud—“

Mandy pulled at my arm before I could do some damage. “Iz, let’s just tell him.” She told me and faced the man. “We’re just here to dig some dirt on Amber.”

“You want to dig dirt on my sister?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, so if you want to take us to jail, do it now.” Mandy surrendered.

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