Chapter 22

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yay new upload! lol

and pic of Lance mhm xD------------------------------------------------>


Chapter 22

Isabelle’s POV

I slipped the ring onto my ring finger with a small smile. Wow, does this bring back memories.

“Seb, the police station said Izzy was released already. Is she—Izzy!” Mandy squealed and ran over to hug me. I laughed as she collided into me, knocking us both down. Once again.

“Mandy, I mean, I’m happy to see you too, but we have to stop crashing into eachother like this.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” She giggled and jumped off from on top of me.

“It’s cool. So, what did I miss last night? Anything spectacular?” I asked.

“Mandy wants us to find the Lance guy.” Oliver answered.

“Yeah…” Mandy glanced over at Oliver, scrunching her face up in confusion. “Why are you dressed like a girl?”

“Because he’s gay.” Seb answered simply, wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Ah, I see.”

He nestled his chin into the crook of her neck with a sigh. “And I’m surprised none of us realized it until now.”

“I’m not gay!” Oliver protested, snatching off the bra and wiping off some of the makeup with the back of his hand. “I like girls!”

“Keep telling yourself that, kid.” Seb chuckled.

I sighed and made my way over to Oliver. After snatching off his wig, I threw an arm around his bare shoulder to look him straight in the eye. “If you know you’re not gay, then you’re not. Okay? Don’t listen to what anyone else thinks. You’re just being childish by arguing with Seb.”

A light blush crept along his cheeks and he hesitantly nodded. “Okay.”

I gave him a kind smile and turned to Mandy. “So about this Lance guy. Are we going to find where he lives to get him to rat out Amber or something?”

“Yep.” She grinned. “We’re going to the first place we ever saw him.”

“And where’s that?” I asked.

Seb and her exchanged looks and both answered, “Chili’s.”

I tumbled out of the car to the ground, resting my palms flat on the cement. “Oh god! Land!” I breathed out, kissing the ground. Mandy wasn’t lying. That was almost the longest drive I’ve ever had in my life.

“Okay. So, Oliver.” Mandy called. “You know the plan, right?”

“Yes ma’am.” He saluted.

“Okay. Get to it.”

I hopped off of my position on the ground. “Wait. I thought we didn’t come up with a plan yet.”

“We did.” Seb said. “While you were in jail.”


“Sorry, Izzy.” Mandy apologized.

“It’s cool.”

She gave me a sympathetic look before continuing. “So, first the three of us are going to go in and get a table. Then Oliver’s going to work his magic.” She smirked.

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