Chapter 6

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New chapter early! Yay!

Tell me why when I was writing this, I was singing that song by Paramore "The Only Exception"? IDK lol

anyways enjoy!



Chapter 6

Isabelle’s POV

I smiled when I spotted Ash sauntering over to me, his hands dug deep in his pockets. He had on a pair of cargo shorts and tight white t-shirt. I didn’t think it was possible for anyone to look so adorable. “So,” He started, waking me up from my reverie. “Why Central Park?”

“To hang out. You know how I like the breeze in my hair, the sweet smell of—“ I paused to cough as I took in a little too much air at once. “—grass.”

Ash chuckled and started to walk down the narrow path. “I’ve known you long enough to know you hate parks. Last time you were at one was in fifth grade.”

“It couldn’t have been that long.” I questioned, catching up with him.

“Yep. When we first met. I think I remember you knocking a kid senseless against a seesaw?”

“That was totally an accident!”

Ash scoffed. “How is it an accident when you yelled at him, ‘And that’s what you get for being a dickhead!’”

I gaped at him. “Those words from this innocent mouth?”

“Innocent mouth? You cussed at me the whole time in elementary.”

“Okay, fine. Maybe it’s true.” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

He bumped me playfully against my shoulder. “It’s completely true.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes, wanting to change the subject. “So how’s your parents?” I asked him. His body instantly tensed, his hands digging deeper into his pockets. I furrowed my brows at his sudden gloomy vibe. What was up with him? “Ash,” I began, stopping in front to stop him. “What’s wrong?”

“She died, Iz.” He muttered. I barely caught what he said, but I still heard it.

“Whose dead?” I asked him.

“My mom.”

Mandy’s POV

I tightened my hand on the wheels until my knuckles turned white. “What’s taking her so long? This is so frustrating!”

I felt a hand on my forearm and noticed it was Seb. “Calm down,” He told me, raising his other hand out the window. I followed where he pointed and finally saw Amber trailing down the driveway into her car. We weren’t parked too close as to where she can see us, but we weren’t so far either. “There she is.”

Finally.” I slipped on my dark sunglasses, pulling a stray of my brown locks behind my ear. “You ready?” I asked Seb while starting the engine. It revved to life quickly.

He put on his sunglasses as well with a grin. “Hell yeah.”

Once Amber pulled out of the driveway, I started up behind her.

“Two fucking hours? Two fucking hours of driving and this bitch stops at Chili’s?!” I hissed at Seb.

“That’s just how she is—“

“But we passed up like eight of them! Why this one?” I yelled. “Gas costs a lot nowadays, you know!”

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