Chapter 18

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Pretty boring chapter. Let me just tell you now, I'm probably half done with this story. Yay. I have the ending planned out and everything :)

stay tuned



Chapter 18

Isabelle’s POV

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from the police officer. “I just want my phone call.”

“And you will. As soon as I’m finished speaking with you.” He told me, looking through a cream colored folder.

I sighed and slouched down into my seat, glancing at the clock. It’s already seven p.m. and Oliver isn’t here yet? What is he doing? Shaking my head, my eyes caught something written on the folder the officer was reading. “That’s my name. Is that my file?”

The officer nodded and looked up at me. “It says here that you were accused of third degree assault twe—twenty three times? Is that correct?”

“Wait. What does this have to do—“

“Just answer the question.”

“Fine.” I groaned. “Okay. Yes I was. But if you keep on reading down there, you can see that they were all lifted.” And of course they were lifted because I threatened the people that had accused me of it, I thought deviously.

“Yes, I see that. And you also have a restraining order towards you?”

“That was like twelve years ago, sir. I was twelve. I mean, come on.”

He rolled his eyes. “It says the person that ordered the restraining order was a Mrs. Irene Kelly because you kept harassing her at night?”

“Harass, visiting, they all mean the same to me.”

“Right.” The officer shifted his weight in his seat to get a bit more comfortable. “And it’s weird how all of that that happened in your childhood would lead up to this.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, sitting up.

“What I mean is what you were arrested for doesn’t add up with your past…situations.”

My eyes went wide. “Just what did I get arrested for? Isn’t it just public disturbance or something?”

He gave me a you’ve-got-to-be-kidding-me look. “You’re being accused of child molestation.”

“Child—child what?” I jumped up from my seat and hurried for the door. As soon as I made it there, I started banging on the window. “I need my phone call now! Now!” I shouted even though I knew the room was sound proof. I wheeled around to the officer. “I didn’t molest that girl! Why would I want to rape her? Do I look like a child rapist to you? God, I’m going to kill Oliver!”

“If you keep screaming like that, you’ll just stay here even longer.” The officer called over my ranting.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, trying to calm myself. Fuck my life. I honestly thought Oliver would at least do one thing right. One small measly, morsel of a thing right. “I didn’t try to molest that little girl, sir. I really didn’t.”

“That’s what everyone says. But that doesn’t mean it’s true.”

I made my way back to my seat and slid into it. “I’m serious. You can even bring the girl in here and ask her about everything. I paid her twenty dollars for her to buy candy so she can help me get arrested.”

The officer raised his eyebrows. “Why would you want to get arrested in the first place?”

“I’m helping these two friends of mine.” I shrugged. “Relationship problems.”

“By going to…jail?”


“You do know that this goes to your permanent record, right?”

“Nah. I don’t mind. I already got a bunch of stuff on my record anyways. Adding one to the list won’t be so bad.”

The officer stood up and walked out the door, muttering something along the lines of “People these days”.

Oliver’s POV

“You have to come now, Seb! Izzy’s been arrested!” I fake-shrieked over the phone.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“She’s being—“ The phone started to vibrate and I realized it was Mandy. “Hold on.” I told Seb and switched over. “Mandy?”

“Oliver? Why did you send me a message about Izzy getting arrested?” She asked me.

“Because she did! She’s in jail now!” I shouted.

“What? For what?” She asked. “Did she cut someone again?”

My eyes went wide. “She cut someone before?”

“Yes, but that’s not the point. Is—“

“Is the person okay? Are they dead?” I panicked. “What if she kills me!?”

“Oli! Shut up! She’s not going to kill you. Just get back to the point.” Mandy snapped. “What is she in jail for?”

“For child molestation.”

The other line suddenly went silent.

“Mandy? You still there?”

When I finally heard an eruption of giggles, I knew she was still on the line. “For—child molestation? Izzy?”

“Mandy this is not funny. This is really serious.”

“It’s just…Wow.” She laughed again.

“Okay. Whatever. Can you just come over to the police station to help pay bail?”

“Of course. I’m on my way now.” She said and hung up.

I quickly switched back over to Seb. “You still there Seb?”

“Yep.” He answered with a groan. “For the past ten minutes.”

“Ah, sorry about that.” I apologized. “Anyways, meet me at the police station to help bail Iz out. She’d appreciate it.”

“Alright. I’m heading there now. Cya, kid.”

 After I hung up, I fell back onto Izzy’s bed as a sigh escaped my lips. Is all this really necessary  to get Seb and Mandy back together? Maybe Izzy overthought all of this. I mean, she didn’t need to get arrested to get the job done. Right?

I dug my face into her pillow, inhaling her warm fruity scent. I never realized how nice she smelt. It wasn’t something I really even looked for. She was always just the girl that I chose to help and also beats me up from time to time. But…ugh.

I ran a hand lazily over my face. I just hope she’s okay right now. What if they moved her to a bigger jail farther away from here? Or she’s getting raped right at this moment? “I have to go!” I hopped off the bed and ran out the door.


thanks for wasting your valluable ten mintues of your wonderful life by reading this lame-ass chapter of mine. It's highly appreciated lol

damn that's sad. I'm dissing on my own chiz. lol

have a good day and blah blah blah lol


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