Chapter 24

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Okay, on the real, this chapter is pretty shitty. I mean, I say that for all of my chapters I don't feel comfortable with but seriously. This one is the shittiest xD if that's even a word...

I just couldn't think of what to do with Lance in the story anymore. Damn.


Chapter 24

Lance’s POV

I flipped the quarter around my fingers again, nervously waiting for Amber to arrive. What was I supposed to even say to her? ‘Don’t marry Ash because an old friend of mine is love with him’? God, Izzy why are you making my life so difficult?

Suddenly, I felt my phone start to vibrate in my pocket. I picked it up. “Hello?”

“Lance, I have great news. Guess what gig I got for you.” Kai, my agent, exclaimed.

“Kai, I’m kind of—“

“’Everything But Water’ wants you to model their new line of swimwear! Can you believe it?”

My mouth fell open. “Wow.” That is big. “When?”

“In about two hours. They promised to pay ten thousand for you to do it.” He told me. Damn. That means I can’t wait until Amber arrives. “But there’s a catch.”

“Catch? What catch?”

“You need to find a female to do the photo shoot with you.”

I ran a hand through my hair. “And where do you think I can—“

Then a thought popped into my head.


Isabelle’s POV

I nodded my head to the beat of ‘No More Sorrow’ by Linkin Park from my IPod as I made my way into the kitchen. I grabbed a box of crackers from the counter and ripped it open. Snatching a cracker out of the case, I popped it into my mouth as I continued to prance around. When I started towards the living room, that’s when I saw Lance just about to shut the front door.

I pulled out my ear buds and frowned at him. “I highly doubt that you talked to Amber already, Lance. So what are you doing here?”

He locked the door behind him and came over to me. “And how are you today, Lance? Oh I’m grand. Could you at least try to be polite?”

“It’s not in my nature.”

“It hasn’t been in your nature four years ago and it’s not hard to believe it isn’t now.” He grinned.

I rolled my eyes. “What do you want, Lance?”

“A favor.”

“What favor?”

“I have a modeling gig for ‘Everything But Water’ swimwear.”

I gaped at him. That’s like the biggest swimwear company ever. “Congratulations. But what does this have to do with me?”

“I need a modeling partner for a photo shoot and—“


Ignoring my answer, he decided to speak over me. “You’re the only one I know that can model great with me. If we do this, Iz, you have no idea how much publicity this will give us. New and better companies would be calling us nonstop.”

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